1. blank Dutch Uncle says:

    This is revolting. No, I mean this causes one to want to revolt.

    1. At least boycot and buycott, spread the word, support local initiatives.

    2. blank Brad Buhrkuhl says:

      What is so revolting? The total lack of understanding of basic genetics by people bent on destroying one breeding technique? Yes, that is revolting.

  2. blank Husband of the Moonlight says:

    Actually, we should all work to see that they “Scream in torment” so loudly HERE; THAT THEY BEG TO GO TO HELL FOR SOME RELIEF.

  3. What is the purpose of this grass? at a time when we encouraging more diversity in pastures with an emphasis on high density grazing of native grasslands, why is so much research going into the maintenance of a single species pasture?

    1. blank Brad Buhrkuhl says:

      It is for lawns, which are almost always a single species of grass.

  4. I didn’t know that there’s no regulation about growing new GMOs’s, containing them=, and protecting environments and ecosystems from them. They are, by nature of what they are, an alien species to the ecosystems around them. How can there be no protections? What if that modification causes further mutations somehow and that new organism proves to to be insidious to an ecosystem it’s introduced to?

    1. blank Brad Buhrkuhl says:

      There are tons of regulations and if there was ever ANY form of harm, the company would be liable. But since no GM product has EVER caused any harm at all, despite being around for decades and haven been eating trillions of times, it is not really a problem.

  5. blank Walter Simons says:

    There are two kinds of people. The fools who think they are wise, and the wise who know they are fools.

  6. Four days and no trolls yet!

  7. blank RE Whitty says:

    The need to regulate this. Use the GMO grass on golf courses and in city parks, but not where animals graze.

  8. blank superman's daughter says:

    While I am totally against GMOs, it is unlikely that cows will be eating this grass. Do your homework people. Kentucky Bluegrass is a lawn grass – a premo lawn turf. Cows eat alfalfa, clover, and weeds. In fact, pasture land is usually covered with whatever grows in that place wild. The cows eat what they like, and leave the rest.
    Having spent decades in the landscape industry, it’s pretty clear that the purpose here is obviously instant weed control in landscaping, not feeding livestock.

    1. WRONG!! Kentucky Bluegrass is a PRIMO cool-season pasture grass! Along with Round-Up Ready Alfalfa, we farmers who graze our livestock are SCREWED!!

    2. blank Brad Buhrkuhl says:

      They do eat it, but this strain is made for lawns.

  9. You must see this completely factual and free video on the end of the world. It gives the full truth about the beasts of the Apocalypse, the kings, the mark of the Beast, the true identity of the Antichrist, Anti-pope Francis and how or whether he fits in with these things and much more. It will change your life. Here’s the link to the video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cn9t0m6eG4Q The website that produced this video: http://www.mostholyfamilymonastery.com is the only place where people will find the essential information they need to know to save their eternal souls in these difficult times. Almost all of their material is completely free to view at all times and they have an enormous amount of the most important information you’ll ever see. They are the only place telling the complete and uncompromising Christian truth as well as the complete truth on the most important secular issues of our time such as 9/11, the prison/military/industrial complex, the Federal reserve and the international usury/banking system, natural health,etc. etc. The full collection of material they make available is the most powerful and compelling information in the whole world. Check it out.

  10. So they may come out with this but its not something people have to buy. I get cross contamination can happen but if enough people are against it and do not buy it then I feel things will be fine. There are GMO plants out there right now but we still have access to organic food so I believe that there will still be the choices out there to have non GMO grass fed animals.

  11. blank GM isn't Evil says:

    The amount of pseudoscience in this article is beyond comprehension, so I’lll just scratch the surface. First off, cows don’t graze on manicured lawns. Second, roundup has no harmful affects on humans, and it degrades rapidly, so it wouldn’t be an issue (it isn’t stored in the muscle tissue of the animal – ie the meat). I can’t wait to plant the new seed once it is launched…less watering, mowing and weeds in my yard!!!

    1. I see. So the fact that most Americans have glyphosate in their urine is of no concern because it obviously is being excreted so what’s to worry? And even though we don’t eat grass, many walk barefoot on it. Taking bets on whether it will be in the bloodstream after the walk.

  12. blank Brad Buhrkuhl says:

    Scotts. Now apparently monsanto… But don’t let facts get in the way of fear.

  13. blank Brad Buhrkuhl says:

    Why all the hatred for a bunch of good people trying to make a better product?

    1. If you don’t get it by now you’re sitting in Darwin’s Waiting Room. Goodbye.

      1. blank Brad Buhrkuhl says:

        Get what? The fear the ignorant are using to keep us from using new techniques?

  14. Go Vegan and eat organic veggies and fruits and freakin leave the animals alone

  15. i think you can relax, round up ready blue grass has absolutely no agricultural use but glyphosate is a lot more benign than the selective herbicides that are used on pasture land.

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