The 2 Herbs for Asthma, COPD, and Chronic Bronchitis Sufferers

Asthma among children and even adults, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder), and chronic bronchitis cases have surged over the past couple of decades. Unfortunately, mainstream solutions for respiratory issues are falling short, as usual. But natural solutions like khella and lobelia offer relief, with no side effects.
The mainstream medical solutions of inhaled steroids or calcium blockers offer short term relief with long term health hazards. Their usefulness tends to diminish in effectiveness or duration, promoting increased use that causes those other health issues to come on more quickly. Asthma drugs even kill more people than the condition itself.
It’s a vicious cycle that can lead to diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, mental disorders, cardiac arrest and premature death. That’s why both herbal remedies for lung issues, khella and lobelia, should be primary choices for chronic bronchial problems.
About Khella
Khella, commonly called bishop’s weed, is both a vasodilator (dilates blood vessels), and a bronchial dilator. It accomplishes both without caffeine-like or other stimulation affecting the adrenal glands.
It also acts to smooth and strengthen heart muscles to enable a stronger heartbeat. Khella even promotes gallbladder bile flow and helps eliminate urinary tract stones. In other words, unlike pharmaceuticals designated for asthma that destroy health, khella “side effects” promote good health.
Though not recommended for use during an asthma attack, using khella daily as recommended is useful for preventing or minimizing acute attacks. This will at least minimize the use of asthma pharmaceuticals for acute attacks. But khella can be used during a bout of bronchitis to ease up congestion and open bronchial passages and airways.
Khella or bishop’s weed is available wherever you can find over-the-counter natural herbal remedies. It can come in extracts or tinctures, tablets, or it can be used as a tea. The extracts and tablets are recommended for daily use as a preventative.
Dosage varies slightly, depending on the delivery type, but taking one of those doses just before going to bed is important for asthmatics. It is common for asthmatics to endure asthma attacks that interrupt sleep patterns needed for restoring immune system energy.
Read: How to Prevent Asthma
Khella can be an issue for those with liver problems. So follow instructions from an herbalist or holistic practitioner.
Lobelia: Immediate Relief Solution for Acute Asthma or Other Bronchial Attacks
Lobelia, also known as Indian tobacco, was actually banned by the FDA a couple of decades ago, but it’s available again from almost any herbal source now. Maybe it was banned because it was effective and natural?
The FDA used the alkaloid toxic angle, but the toxic effects happen only if you take an impossible amount of lobelia in a short time period. There were no adverse events reported to the FDA; the FDA’s decision was academic or business related to Big Pharma’s whims.
Deeming lobelia one of the world’s most powerful healing herbs, famed Master Herbalist Dr. John Christopher used it often for relieving acute asthma attacks. His Herbal Legacy site notes that there hasn’t been one proven death from lobelia. Even the FDA realized you’d have to consume four pounds in one sitting to invite the grim reaper.
Lobelia actually offers almost immediate relief during those periods of excess congestion and breathing difficulties often associated with asthma, COPD and bronchitis. In addition to consuming it in tincture form, it’s chopped up weed can be inhaled from a vaporizer.
What is the dosage for taking these herbs for Asthma?
did you even look to see if there is a side effect or interaction….. Do not take khella if you are taking a medication that can harm the liver. Some medications that can harm the liver include acetaminophen (Tylenol and others)think I will just stick to my meds.there is all kinds of inter actions you suggest people should just drop their meds and use the herbs?
Yes, you SHOULD just drop the meds and use herbs. Why would you take a medication you know is harmful to your liver? Over the counter drugs are infinitely more dangerous than herbal remedies. Thousands of people die every year from seemingly harmless OTCs like tylenol and asprin. You’d be hard pressed to find ANY occurrences of death resulting from use of herbs.
If you think liver damage is acceptable collateral damage to get a quick fix from a headache, then just go to the doctor and take whatever he recommends. Maybe you’ll get lucky and won’t be one of the hundreds of thousands of people who are dying from the drugs peddled by the medical industry.
Totally Agree .
all i can say if i just got neuropthy from antibiotics . cipro and thoes in that catagaory …. so i am going holistic. singular sent me susidal its for allergies… and so many others are really really bad as well. they just cover it all up
Cipro is one of the most powerful antibiotics. use it with caution,follow instructions carefully, it can cause neurological damage.I took it for sinus problems-now I have visual migraines.
yes dear, you rely on big pharma to cure you. Same as I did. Suffered for year, on a pile of pills a day for my COPD and arthritis pain. Yet because of my herbal knowledge and knowledge of plants, after 30 years of having to take morphine every 4 hours and having several types of inhaler, I now take NOTHING! Not one chemical drug. I am pain free and my lungs are fine. I get the occasional bout of wheeziness but manage it with herbal tea, breathing exercises and herbal oil infused steam. You are crazy if you really believe that there is no harmful side effect from the chemicals you take.
Greetings, omymee! Can you please go into detail on what you used to eliminate your copd? Thanks!
Arthritis?–CBD Hemp oil is amazing!
CBD gummies give me a better nights sleep. I takeTumeric (Curcumin) with peppercorns for better absorption for the arthritis in my shoulder.
I would like to try Khella , but not legal in Health shops tro sell in New Zealand..anyone know on here where to pucase or trial Khella?
find a patch of ground elder. It’s the same thing. I suspect articles like this use exotic sounding names in order to peddle their goods. After all, who would buy their product if people knew you could just go to any neglected patch of land and pick the real thing for nothing.
I found that Bragg’s Apple Cider took care of my asthma. Buy you a bottle and read the directions on the side of the bottle. I do my ACV Toddy X 3 daily. I am asthma and respiratory problem free, as well as allergy free. And no…I have no stock in the company. Just a happy consumer. May not work for you, but this stuff has worked wonders for my husband and me!
But for many asthmatics (myself included) vinegar should be avoided. As should smoked foods or anything which has saltpetre as a preservative. Refined sugar also is very bad. I have gone from being very ill, with life threatening attacks, on much medication, to being relatively well with minimal medication and I have not had a life ,threatening attack for decades. How? I changed my diet, cut out processed food, have minimal salt, vinegar, citrus fruit, smoked foods. No white bread. I have gone back to basics and make a herbal tisane in the morning which I sip through the day. One sip of vinegar would close my lungs instantly.
Everybody is different. Each individual must find the proper remedy and amount that suits them best. It has taken me a long time but I have found the herbs, spices, juices and vinegar supplements that have gotten me off of RA chems. The ancient Romans, Greeks, and Chinese knew a few things.
Thank you Anthony for all your hard work !!!!!!
Another incredibly effective herb for asthma is Yamoa.
Lobelia is also amazingly effective for earaches: first put a drop of olive oil in ear than follow with a drop or two of lobelia extract.
My wife went in hospital due to unable breath while sit up or standing, vary labored. 6 DOCTORS TON AND TON TEST FOR OVER WEEK. I treat her milk thistle 45 pill day for over 6 months and you see improvement after 1 month