GMO-Free Food Sales Explode Amid Public Awareness

Americans are speaking with their wallets like never before in order to voice our true collective opinion of how corporations and Big Food are working with our food. One critical example of how we are demanding change can be seen where the sale of non-GMO Project Verified foods have more than doubled since 2013.
Verified GMO-free food sales were $3 billion in 2013 and were $8.5 billion in 2014! Not only that, organic food sales overall are projected to grow another 14% by 2018, and this is a modest estimate according to The United States Organic Food Market Forecast & Opportunities.
In 2012, organic food sales topped $81.3 billion, and with new methods of self-sustainability and organic farming, including hydroponics and roof-top arming in urban areas popping up all over the country, we could easily see these numbers double, or even triple.
This is no surprise, as the term ‘non-GMO’ was expected to surpass even ‘organic’ as a buzz word in 2014 when it came to food sales. One study published by Progressive Grocer showed that consumers want Non-GMO now even more than ‘organic.’ This ought to give Monsanto, Dow, Syngenta, and the huge food corporations a run for their suicide-seed money: A staggering 80% of consumers sought out non-GMO products in their survey. The non-GMO issue has emerged as a consumer hot-button.
Even city-dwellers are looking at new ways of making a more gratifying living. One couple, highlighted in the latest issue of Edible magazine, dropped their high powered marketing jobs in the city and moved to a small plot of land in central Texas to start their own organic, hydroponic tomato farm.
In the first year of business, they already have enough restaurants clamoring for their product – grown without pesticides or GMO – to rake in cash for over 80 tons of juicy, red tomatoes that are reminiscent of the kind great grandmothers used to grow in their gardens. They don’t supplement with any lighting in their 6000 foot green house, use only sunlight, and 1/5 of the water it would take to grow the same amount of tomatoes on a conventional farm. They can also grow all year long.
It is actions like these, along with those of consumers, who have boycotted Kellogg’s, Gerber, Pepsi, Frito-Lay, Coca-Cola, and other GM pushing companies, that are making a difference.
To learn more about how your food gets a ‘non-GMO’ label, you can read up here, but in the meantime, keep voting with your dollar. It makes a difference.
yeah that organization is profiting handsomely from gmo’s opposition? I think not! “The best way to control opposition is to lead it” Does anyone else not see this? btw they don’t lead it by any means i’m just pointing out that all opposition is controlled!
This label uses a clever ploy which Ms. Sarich has fallen for; which is the label states NON-GMO project VERIFIED. It doesn’t say (the labeled food) is non-gmo, but rather non-gmo PROJECT verified and see how the work project has been minimized – and why? Your brain drops the word project and conflates the idea that the product is non-gmo verified when it is not. Remember, gmo is huge business worldwide and the seed toturers have too much at stake to let this happen. This is what you get when you fight for “labeling” instead of asking for what you really want; which is NO GMO FOOD IN OUR FOOD SUPPLY. Agitating for labeling is like asking for a cup of water in the fires of hell.
It’s a start at least. We’ll need more organizations to verify each others work.
LOL You must read Jon Rappaport!! jp is spot on! Rappaport doesn’t do CBS Health Watch any more. Gee I wonder why? He and Amber Lyons are NOT PRESSTITUTES!! And all those that think labelling will cure all, all I can say is get a clue!! Read the one below (controlled opposition), and check out his website and read all. Time to quit pussyfooting around with labels, and go for an all out ban till they’ve had a TWO YEAR INDEPENDENT TESTING! Only then will they be approved if environmentally safe, and fit for human eating!! Like that will ever happen! Like Dr. Seralini said I can see why they test it for 3 months. If it was 4 the damage would be too obvious!
BTW 6 of the top 7 selling drugs are GMO!! Just like the foods the FDA rubber stamps the drugs too!! Bio-Similar, Bio-Better, and Bio-Synthetic!! Also over 90% of the rennet for cheese making is GMO!!
Natural health? Scott Faber? Dan Fabricant? Really? by Jon Rappoport
Also Verified GMO-free doesn’t mean Round up or anything else WASN’T used as a desiccant or as a drying agent 1 – 2 weeks before harvest. Bottom of page 3. Yes Christina wrote about this study recently.
The explanation I gave was:
Non-gmo is something that was never intended to be gmo, doesn’t contain gmo, like say corn chips, but since cross contamination may occur, there is a percentage of gmo in almost everything you eat (fact, jeff smith even states this) ESPECIALLY if you eat ANYTHING with the big ones in it (corn, soy, canola, sugar,) whereas gmo free can NEVER be gmo not ever has been (list is getting smaller these days) like… Say green pepper is gmo free, iceberg lettuce is gmo free, there are many more.
Farmers around here are leaving GM crops for 2015 for the first time in a decade. We are starting a ‘collective’ of clean growing crops for production. Seems a lot of companies are asking for it now. The “Project” is something I have known about BEFORE it was initiated. They have tough guidelines. While there still may be traces in those products, they are less GM than conventional manufacturing. If this is what the consumer wants, this is what the consumer gets, and farmers will participate. GM foods may see the end of their days soon. But that’s not Monsanto’s call, nor the call of anyone in the Pro arena.