DEA Raids Woman’s House at 5AM After She Shops for Gardening Supplies

The police state grows. Angela Kirking, a 46-year old woman living in Shorewood, Illinois does face-painting for children at local fairs. She also enjoys growing hibiscus plants for her own consumption. Apparently, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) believes her shopping for fertilizer and supplies at a local store called Midwest Hydroponics made her a very serious subject for investigation.
It seems that Ms. Kirking was so threatening, that after being observed shopping at her local hydroponics store, police agents staked out her home, sifted through her garbage, monitered her electricity usage, and finally busted into her bedroom in the middle of the night pointing guns at her, demanding to know if there were any illegal substances in her home.
Police and the DEA have also been staking out Midwest Hydroponics attempting to bust citizens who grow unauthorized plants without government permission. Kirking was witnessed ‘carrying a green plastic bag containing unknown items’ from the store, stated a Shorewood Patch report. Her ‘questionable’ bag contained fertilizer for her hibiscus flowers.
Read: Couple Threatened with $500 Fine for Growing Vegetable Garden
DEA and police watched Kirking for over a month, determining that her shopping habits made her worthy of tax-payer money and brute force should be applied to her situation. They even intercepted her utility bills, discovering that her usage was ‘consistently higher’ than other homes in her area. Officers were sent to sneak around her home at 4:15am – acting like criminals instead of protectors of the public good. The Shorewood Patch also reports that officers say they found ‘multiple plant stems’ in her garbage, smelling strongly of ‘green cannabis.’
Such little evidence and great effort to send a paramilitary force to scare the living death out of a woman in her bedroom as she slept. On October 11, 2013, Mrs. Kirking woke to gun-riddled strangers at 5:00am ready to ‘take her down’. Police waited for her husband to leave for work before entering her home.
Police confiscated her computer, some books, and some plants they categorized as marijuana and took her away in handcuffs.
“They had a gun pointed at me when they said, ‘Are there any illegal substances in your house?’” Kirking recalled.
In what country do they allow police to raid your home simply for growing flowers? Kirking’s attorney, Jeff Tomczak, is trying to get the search warrant voided because of its shaky pretexts. But oh, yes, we live in the United Police States of America.