Court Rules Against FDA In Landmark Health Freedom Case

If you are the maker or seller of health supplements, or follow the decisions made by the Food and Drug Administration, then you probably know of the blatant corruption and injustice revolving around the FDA. Through examining and following the FDA’s decisions, anyone can see that the organization continuously pushes pharmaceutical drugs while censoring health food and supplements and their ability to heal. Such is the case with a company known as Fleminger, Inc. and their green tea product.
Court Rules FDA is Harshly Censoring Foods and Supplements
In 2004, Fleminger Inc. submitted a health claim petition to the FDA for their green tea product. Scientific research is available showcasing green tea’s ability to boost the immune system, promote graceful aging, and help to fight cancers, and so Fleminger Inc. rightfully thought to promote these health advantages. But the FDA responded a year later with proposed disclaiming stating that the “FDA concludes that it is highly unlikely that green tea reduces the risk” of breast cancer and prostate cancer — health claims that Fleminger wanted to promote. In 2010, after threatening to seize Fleminger Inc.’s products and enforce the use of new exact language proposed by the FDA, the organization sent over another revised claim which they insisted the company use:
“Green tea may reduce the risk of breast or prostate cancer. FDA does not agree that green tea may reduce the risk because there is very little scientific evidence for the claim.”
Being shocked and appalled by the FDA’s force, Fleminger created a suit in the US District Court. The Food and Drug Administration simple gave Fleminger no choice but to use their exact words in claims or risk facing the tyranny of the FDA. Thankfully, judge Bryant ruled in favor of Fleminger, saying:
“The FDA’s language “effectively negates the substance–disease relationship claim altogether….There are less burdensome ways in which the FDA could indicate in a short, succinct and accurate disclaimer that it has not approved the claim without nullifying the claim altogether.”
Unfortunately, companies promoting food and supplements are seldom allowed to showcase specific health benefits resulting from use of their product. As shocking as it may seem, the FDA deems food and supplements as drugs if they are marketed with health claims. Furthermore, these ‘drugs’ would need to go through costly drug trials, and can’t be patented like all other real drugs can be.
This is also the case with Diamond Foods and their walnuts. In response to claims by a company named Diamond Foods that walnuts possess health benefits, the FDA sent the company a letter informing them of their wrongdoing. According to the FDA, claims made by Diamond Foods that omega-3′s found in walnuts produce health benefits make their walnuts ‘drugs‘. As far as the FDA is concerned, these “drugs” can not be legally marketed in the United States without an approved new drug application.
There are many cases similar to those experienced by Fleminger Inc. and Diamond Foods. Why is the FDA absurdly censoring foods and natural supplements? Well, to put it simply, the organization really does not care about your health.
Not only are they acting according to favors by big pharma, but more concerning still, they are paving the way for Codex Alimentarius which will force people to get prescriptions for any supplements or vitamins.
The FDA support not only big farma but also supports Monsanto, Dow Chemicals, Du POnjt,etc,etc,etc.
The FDA should take a hike! They should go to hell along with Michael Taylor! Down with the FDA!
"I agree". " The FDA can GO TO HELL"!
It isn't enough that they poison our food thus adding to illness & weakened immunity but now they wish to control what we eat as well. If you don't eat for health, what's the point? It's time the power to decide for ourselves what to do for our health is protected as a basic right along with life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness . Isn't it a bit strange that poisons such as alcoholic beverages & pharmaceutical drugs are even advertised but food & vitamins banned? The pharmaceutical industry, AMA, & insurance industries get fat off our poor health. Enough, already!
Just take a look at a single article on the CDC and the vaccine safety issue. Hand in glove with the FDA.
There really is nothing to add:
May the 'wise' folks at the FDA survive on 'pink slime', HFC,trans fats, and all the poisen–oops- medications that 'big pharma' can provide!!!!!
The FDA is a terrorist organization in cahoots with big pharma and rarely have the health of American citizens in mind in their decisions, policies, and actions. it is, along with most every other goernmental agency these days, corrupt to the core and is in dire need of a major overhaul in order to manage sound policy regarding the health and safety of our food sources. Wouldn't it be nice if the FDA was actually helping to inhibit the proliferation of genetically modified organisms in our food sources, supporting the voluminous studies showing the link between diseases, compromised health and chemicals, pesticides, and food additives instead of calling walnuts drugs and preventing the dissemination about the actual health benefits of natural foods. It goes hand in hand with the terroristic control of a government run amok which was stolen at gunpoint with the assassination of the Kennedys. All this will, hopefully, change as the small financial cartel at the top of the pyramid is taken down through the courts as the truth of their insidious and odious deeds throughout the past decades become common knowledge and the true power structure is revealed and revamped to reflect a more equitable and jst system of governance for the peope of the world.
"I agree".
any one else wonder how and when the FDA became one of the three branches of government in the constitution, they pass rulings that are enforced as law, yet have no constitutional power to do so. its time these agencies were brought to heel, and congress be forced to either pass into law the recommendation of the ABC agencies and thereby shoulder the responsibility for them or the agencies need to be disbanded as the fraudulent waste of money and time they really are.
I totally agree!!
The American people are their own worst enemy. Instead of heeding the advice given long ago that "The price of liberty is eternal vigilance", they haven't been vigilant. Instead of doing for themselves, they've been running like bleating sheep to the government. "Give us jobs! Give us food! Give us health care! Give us safety!". The result is bigger government, higher taxes, and reduced freedom.
It took Obamacare to wake the states up and get them off their butts to do something. But it's too little too late. Why weren't the states standing up to the feds 20, 30, 40 years ago?
Add to that the people keep voting for the Republicrats and the Demopubs over and over and over and wonder why no real change occurs.
You're right on Jon. The FDA should have been disbanded decades ago. The fox has been watching the hen house for far too long. They are way worse then the FED. All the FED does is steal our money. The FDA is a mercenary organization that kills millions of us every year. For money.
Debbie K
Stop banking with, buying from, and eating food produced by companies that are perpetrating these crimes against the public whenever possible…..And for Gods sake stop voting for same corrupt psychopaths over and over again.
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