Real Stories: Cannabis can Conquer Lyme Disease

Going through the medical system with Lyme disease is like being a ball in an old fashioned pinball game machine. The standard of care treatment of antibiotics and pharmaceuticals forever is risking serious adverse events, or at least reducing one’s immune system protections. But now at least one natural solution has surfaced for Lyme disease – marijuana.
The Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria (Lyme disease), whether from tick bites or not, are responsible for a disease that has spread worldwide after being first discovered in Lyme, Connecticut. The Borrelia bacteria are motile (capable of motion) spirochetes, heavily armored, and DNA equipped so they can worm their ways deeply into all sorts of tissue and resist antibiotics.
All this with usually no solution, but just more complications. Cannabis come to the rescue.
Smoking Cannabis and Lyme Success
Alexis, diagnosed with late-stage Lyme Disease, is an example of someone using mainstream solutions for her Lyme disease to no avail. She was on antibiotics long enough for her gastrointestinal tract to be damaged and to be hospitalized with hemorrhagic colitis.
She was taken off antibiotics and put on several strong pain prescriptions that were barely effective while putting her into lower emotional states. Then she tried smoking marijuana.
That routine handled most of her nausea, enabled her to eat well enough to avoid wasting away, helped her sleep better, and eased her pain while elevating her mood. She maintains that marijuana has been the best thing for her Lyme disease.
Alexis wrote, “In the hospital, I have needed to have morphine or lorazepam through an IV to accomplish what smoking two grams of cannabis does on the comfort of my couch, in a fraction of the time.” But Alexis is looking for a long-term solution.
Cannabis Oil Remission Success
Some have discovered that cannabis oil may be the solution for Lyme disease. Cannabis oil is a highly concentrated substance that’s extracted and reduced from large amounts of cannabis with a beneficial balance of THC and othe cannabinoids.
It has become increasingly available in states that allow medical marijuana, but it’s also available “underground.”
Another young lady suffering from Lyme disease, Shelley White’s Lyme Disease was so debilitating that she had endured at least 10 seizures daily for a year and a half. She began smoking marijuana from a pipe and then switched to inhaling it through a vaporizer. Just from that, her seizures had stopped. Then she decided to go to the next level of using cannabis oil.
After a month of the oil, she was able to return to work and school. At the time of writing her story, she was happy to announce that she could now move out and live on her own and enjoy a normal social life.
An internet radio show called “High Noon” interviewed a couple of Lyme disease victims who had been using cannabis oil successfully, Pamela Baily and Lisa Sikes. Listen here.
One of the underground pioneers of cannabis oil who followed Rick Simpson has reported that more Lyme Disease sufferers have come to cannabis oil recently with mostly successful results.
What about Hemp Oil? You can buy that on Amazon.
Hemp oil (unless specified directly) is made from hemp seeds, and is like extra-virgin olive oil. For salads, etc. It’s really good for you, and healthy, but it is not curative in the same way as the more concentrated, high cannabinoid ‘oil’, which seems to resemble more of a paste, and is not available in the mainstream marketplace…
Plus, it definitely costs more than $19.99. 🙂
It is a cure all from God. It should not be illegal. I was reading in the bible Geneva bible the one they ban centruries ago, He has sent us herbs as our meat to nourish our bodys.
can you discuss strain (THC vs. CBD content)?
Alexis, I have Cronis Lyme and have had it for 10 years now. Although my scound round of Antibotics thru the PIC line helped me greatley I still have pain and many problems and have been on pain killers for some time now. I am trying to lower the pain meds so I may try the oil. Did you have to get off all the painkillers first before trying that?