1. been hearing the Royal Rife method of cancer cure that was used in the early 1900s is still being used and working with rememberances of Rife being run out of the country ny for profit medicine drug industry,,,,sems something like directed sound frequencys adjustable to work like sonic lithotripsy,

  2. blank John Rambo says:

    Indian dhal, the soup, has both ginger and tumeric. So eat more indian food, and make sure it is vegetarian, as meat is full of cancer causing substances.

    An indian vegetarian diet is the most healthy diet on earth.

    1. blank krishnaji says:

      Vegetarian food, no milk products, no alcohol,

      yes they can reduce the chance to get cancer.

      Dhal should be cooked without Maggi-Cubs,

      they have Monosodium Glutamat

      and this is a bad stuff.

  3. You need more than just change lifestyle. You need to know the causes of all cancers. Yes, we know those NOW.

    No alternative cancer cure is allowed to be published in any now exposed-as-corrupt med journal, (and that makes it illegal for your doc to even mention it, let alone cure you with any such protocol)..


    In the mid-1980s a famous physician, Dr. Robert Good, became interested in an alternative cancer therapy that in clinical trials was shown to work well. At that point, Dr. Good was one of the most published authors in scientific literature, with over 2,000 articles to his name. He was the father of modern immunology and performed the first bone marrow transplant. He had been nominated for the Nobel Prize three times. By every measure, Dr. Robert Good was as mainstream as mainstream could be imagined up to his epiphany about cancer treatment.

    When Dr. Good wrote about this alternative cancer treatment, he was refused publication in all medical journals because the findings were "too controversial," and flew in the face of conventional medical doctrine. He had strayed too far outside the bounds of what was "acceptable," and that was simply out of the question for the rest of the mainstream, even coming from someone with credentials as outstanding as Dr. Good's.



    The Cure and Prevention of All Cancers, 2007, H R Clark PhD ND is privately published, exactly for this reason.

    Dr Clark, an ex-Canadian Govt. cell research biologist carried out over half a million repeatable, so scientifically VALID bio-resonance comparisons), to identify the specific bacteria, viruses, parasites, heavy metals, dyes, molds, radio-active substances, and benzene, asbestos, food allergens etc that are the cause of all cancers.

    Other cures address most of these factors, and by doing so, they interrupt the pathways, and that is what stops the malignancy, sometimes within 24 hours. (Clark H R, PhD ND, 1995). The then boosted immune system digests the tumor.. Some of the cures are those of Drs Raymond Rife, and Robert Beck; (electrical); Dr Burzynski (gene targetting with drugs); , Germany`s ozone cure;; and the herbal route of Marijah McCain, H Hoxey and Jason Winters.

    Its is not illegal for you to cure your own cancer. Many Docs. and nurses in the US have turned to alternatie protocols. 90% reject chemo on themselves. That should tell you something.

    1. Hulda Clark was a loon/fraudster.

      She died of cancer.

      Her birth cert is on the net.

      Her brother also died of cancer.

  4. There are people that do everything right. eat a raw vegan organic diet, jog 5 miles daily, yoga, etc…and they still get cancer just like anybody else.

  5. yes, you can do everything right and still get cancer.

    no reason to give up doing everything right tho.

    your overall health being the benefit.

    just because our world has been polluted near to death does not mean we should give up the good fight.

    when/if you do get cancer, the "everything right" you did will make your immune system that much stranger and able to fight it off. that's what a healthy body does everyday. as long as you so not do something that causes cancer (chemo, radiation) trying to fix it, you still have a fighting chance.

    it's criminal that this is not taught, and instead profit is the motive used by the AMA ACS, pink whatever for cure, or other sanctioned agency we have been fed this from.

    lawyers, start your depositions.

    1. ok, i meant 'that much "stronger" and able to fight it off'.

      still, it's a criminal activity keeping natural cures from us.

  6. We are in the age of enlightenment — and we are more open to the ways of deception. We awaken to find that we have been duped on a major scale and are paying with our health and our lives.

    Now it is our duty to ………….

  7. Here is an organization working for alternatives to cancer treatments.

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