We’re Beating Monsanto! Yes to GMO Labeling Prop is Winning 49 to 44 in Oregon

The full scheduled voting on a state-wide ballot for Measure 92 in Oregon to label GMO foods won’t come in until November 4th, but voting has begun, and we’re winning!
The measure would ensure that the labeling of genetically modified foods was mandatory, and that Big Food corporations along with Big Chemical like Monsanto and Dow wouldn’t be able to label foods ‘if they felt like it’ as the Grocery Manufacturer’s Association has suggested we consumers allow.
Since when can you trust Monsanto and Coca-Cola to tell the truth about anything they create? Mandatory labeling is the only way for complete transparency of our food supply to transpire, and we deserve to know what is in our food! Voluntary GMO labeling is essentially what we have now, and doesn’t really work to let consumers fully know the truth regarding food ingredients.
Measure 92, the full text of which can be found here, is all about keeping the right to know with consumers, and not further selling out to biotech bullies and seed monopolies. It goes against giving corporations the same rights as people, while they poison the planet and take absolutely no accountability for those actions.
Monsanto has just dropped another $2.5 million (in addition to what they’ve already spent) to defeat GMO labeling in Oregon – bringing the total to $4.5 million in just one state. They also dropped another cool million in Colorado – bringing the total to about $5 million in that state – all to keep voters from checking that YES LABEL GMOs box at the voting booths or on their ballots. What exactly are these companies trying to hide from U.S. consumers?
You can support this measure further by staying in touch with Oregon Right to Know on Facebook and watching this short video and passing it along. If you live in Oregon, I would post the opening page everywhere you can think of – how about your local Starbucks or GMO-selling grocery store!? We haven’t stood down to Monsanto’s bullying yet, and we can’t start now.
Let’s bring these toxic-making criminals to their knees. Vote Yes on 92 Oregon. We’re behind you 100%.
I believe that the majority of the population of both Oregon and Colorado are intelligent and educated people and will vote YES on Labelling GMO Foods.
California was duped by all the money poured in by Monsanto, Dow, Syngenta, Grocery Manufactors Assoc., Coca Cola, etc., but I am certain that Oregon and Colorado will not be tricked.
Enough already? educate yourself then.
Lets do this OR and CO we are definitely united all across the U.S. on this GMO labelling transparency initiative.Be informed of all the work sacrifices and dedication activists have petitioned to get this GMO Label initiative into your hands with hope in passing. Its up to you the people BELIEVE it Citizens all across America are watching this outcome and hoping for serious voices/victories against patented GE/GMO foods and the harm they are doing to our human and world health .
Vote YES to Label GMO’s
What harm? GMO is by far safer to work with for all the farmers that use it, why else does it have over 90% of the acreage in which it is available. Plus also safer for the soil and reduces the amount of herbicides used.
“What harm?” Indefinite if it is not stopped, Its hidden from our food labels for a reason. Informed people all across this world have respected the independent scientific warnings these genetics are found in the human blood tests,our bodies cannot and will not absorb them they build up in the gut just like the insects that are disappearing and superweeds resistant to them as well as farmers evidence in the courts have voiced the oppositions to this engineered mistake. “Reduces amount of herbicides” LOL research what you wrote its available in every corner of this world opposition and actions are not only wanting it labelled but also BANNED due to its failed what these industries claimed.
I can tell that you have never been on a farm. I know for a fact that it has reduced the amount of herbicides per acre. over 85% of farmers support GMO due to increased yields, more flexibility. There will never be a ban. That would cause farmers to go back to lower yields, use of more hazardous herbicides they had to use before GMO plus would be a massive increase in use of insecticides in spring, summer if lose BT. Upcoming BT for soybeans will ultimately save the monarch from further population drops because farmers wont have to spray insecticides anymore to control the destructive soybean aphids
First of all you know nothing about me or organic farming of which I have lots of knowlege and experience with animals and plants. Don’t assume nothing
And Real science opposes you again……..
“Voracious worm evolves to eat BioTech corn engineered to kill it
It was only since 2010 that major agricultural universities forced these GE seed companies to allow outside researchers to study BTcorn. Always bet on the insect if theres not a smart deployment of the trait.”
Also Farmers are being blamed for not planting enough refuges So in order for this BT patent to survive,farmers must plant 50% non BT refuge corn within BTCorn fields EPA recommended 2002 which figure was resisited by seed companies and EPA changed to 5-20% ? Still didnt work,so blame the farmers.
BT Corn had virtually no activity to aphids, so now what for the BT soybeans?
another round of more trials. Mexico pulled Monsantos permit to grow their patents. First you defend bio industry patents then you drop the bomb on them for their products causing butterfly deaths.
all the more reason to label it if you think it is not the po!son that it actually is.
all GMO purveyors putting nonfood po!sons in plants so that now there are superweeds and superbugs and putting agent orange on food meant for humans when prev. it was for ext89rminating humans should be PROUD of their po!sons they are feeding people right?
that is your assertion so be an adult and stand behind your ‘beliefs’!!!!unless you are denialist and then you won’t say anything or refuse to stand behind your statement which is very pathetic.