1. How much Ginger do you take a day .also how would you take garlic to help your blood pressure

  2. in Indonesia sometimes we make ginger ale handy to warm the body. just need some fresh ginger and crushed then burned briefly, then put in a hot water or coffee plus a little sugar. grace

  3. how exactly do i use ginger to obtain all these health benefits

    1. Tea or extract or eating it I use tea plus I add gineseng and if you want a sweet flavor add some orgainc lemon jucie

      1. An excellent source of knowledge, I am using crystallised ginger chips for GERD.

  4. This article really opened my eyes toward ginger! Suffering through horrendous motion sickness spells I’ve used ginger ale, ginger snaps, &I even crystallized ginger to get me through, but how I incorporate it will change now!
    (The only negative about this article is some grammar issues.)

  5. blank Khun Siwalai says:

    Ginger is part of a Family of 1300 plants/rhizomes that have exceptional medicinal properties. Turmeric is part of that Family and it's benefits are well known and documented. We use successfully various fresh plants of the Ginger/Turmeric Family for treatment, reversal, healing, cure of Pain, range of motion issues, inflammation, other. These plants have been part of Thai traditional healing practices for Centuries, yet only fresh prepared optimum results are achieved. Our Clients experience the healing powers after the treatment, often depending on issues only few treatments are required.
    Over time surly other benefits of these plants will be discovered if enough research is being done.

  6. My wife and I juice turmeric and ginger and place in icetrays for a refreshing hot or cold drink!!!!!!

  7. try only fresh organic flax seed oil one spoon full for 3 days puts lead in your pencil for all the next day.

  8. blank Phobia Frenzy says:

    I eat three pieces of chopped ginger every day, each about quarter of an inch thick and one or one and a half of an inch in diameter. I eat them along with my food—just bite, chew and burn! 🙂

    Tip: Yogurt is always like water on fire for burning from spices

  9. blank Joan Camara says:

    For heartburn, use a tiny bit of “aluminum free”, baking soda, mixed in water. If you can’t find aluminum free, regular baking soda will work. Do not confuse this with baking powder. It is soda, not powder that you use. Drink, and it will disappear. Use as much as you can stand, or untill the heartburn disappears. Also, one great thing to drink in the morning before you eat anything, is a little bit of baking soda, with a squeeze of half of lemon in it. Wait till the bubbles come down a bit, and add warm water slowly. This is a great drink for your body. This was a great article. But I’m wondering if it is ok to buy regular ginger, or would it be better to buy it organic. I try to buy everything organic, and I don’t know if ginger is a crop that is sprayed with pesticides, and all other many other chemicals, that most regular crops are sprayed with.

  10. blank Joan Camara says:

    There are sooo many organic food, herbs, drinks, etc….that will solve about every problem that a person has…that it’s amazing! People could learn so much, by reading sites like this and others.

  11. Excellent article. – A soup of grated ginger, tomato juice/sauce, and cut black olives is also great!

  12. blank Trichup Product says:

    Thanks for the information!

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