1. blank Khun Siwalai says:

    Ginger, Turmeric and their yet to be discovered cousins (unknown in the West) have immense healing powers externally and internally.
    We use some of them daily for treatment, reversal cure of Pain & Inflammation. Their natural healing powers have been known and applied for hundreds of years trough S.E.A.

    1. @ Khun:
      What are the ‘yet to be discovered cousins (unknown in the West)’ of Ginger and Turmeric?
      I’d love to know. My husband and I take Ginger and Turmeric every second day or so in a fresh squeezed lemon drink and I love to include other yummy things in it.

      1. The best way to take tumeric (curcumin) is to make a tea using 1/4 tsp tumeric, 1 or 2 tsp organic coconut oil (this is important as it helps the body gain the most benefit and incorporate the tumeric easily) add a dollop of RAW Honey to sweeten or stevia if you prefer non-caloric sweetness. Take once a day as a preventative for cancer and inflammation, or three times a day if you have cancer, to suppress tumor growth. It works. I’m using it now.

  2. Just had my morning serving of fresh Ginger! And yes, I do believe it makes a difference.

  3. blank Jeffrey Findeis says:

    I started adding raw ginger in my juice extractor drink each day and I no longer suffer from arthritis pain. It’s like 95% gone and I no longer need to take Vicodin and Aleve to manage pain. Ginger is truly amazing!

  4. blank Linda Stuck says:

    I am a novice to ginger but have tried using it lately. Can you tell me the best way to use it? I am experimenting with chopping and grating and it seems so difficult to get it into a recipe …. awfully stringy.

    1. Ginger can be used liberally in stir-fry cooking with organic veggies, and it is great when made into a simple tea, sweetened with stevia or RAW Honey.
      delicious 🙂

  5. Just rub it on or use a very fine grater. It's delicious if you don't use too much in rice dishes, salads, and soups!

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