1. Well, I have a 9 year old Golden retriever who has been taking this for 8 months.
    Life expectancy for K-9 Lymphoma is 2-3 months.
    I choose not to judge until I have actual experience.
    I do with this powder supplement, it is hope for a better end of life.
    A solution would be lovely and gratefully accepted.

    1. blank Dogsbestfriend says:

      Hi Canines5, when was your pup diagnosed with lymphoma? And how much Artemesinin r u giving him/her per day? Did you also use any other herbs or supplements? Any other kind of treatment like chemo?
      Please let me know….I am desperately trying to find supplements or herbs to use in conjunction with chemo, in hopes that he can fight harder to live longer. He is only 6. Thanks

      1. blank celiayounger says:

        i heard (for people, I don’t know for dogs)0 that black cumin seeds and turkey tail mushrooms improved the immune system to fight cancer. check with the vet. maybe he knows.

      2. My friends Lab had breast cancer very bad and we used raw turmeric (teaspoon or more per day given in small doses…start easy with it), about 1 to 2 Teaspoons of Kelp, Graviola leaf powder about a couple of teaspoons a day. In may it was active, by July she bled from the nipples and by August we had the tumors removed and she is fine now. The pathology report came back and the cell were no longer active. this was the complete treatment that was administered along with a raw ground beef and brown rise with vegetable diet. My own dog receives the same diet with turmeric and kelp every day. It has fixed his severe hip dysplasia. At 13 1/2 he is spry and doing great. The vet thought he was much younger just a few months ago. I will be looking into the authenticity of this article’s suggestions for people that I know.

    2. blank Cathy McMahan says:

      not true I know a guy that tackled his cancer with Dandelion root, you should not be so gullible. Big pharma will never tell you that make too much money off drugs.

  2. what form of iron supplement was used?

    1. blank celiayounger says:

      I will like to know to. I know a person told me that if I need Iron i should put some iron object in water let it there for a few hours and then drink it … anyone have heard of that?? I will like to know if it is for real or just were pulling my leg.

      1. blank Wanda WaabiskaMigizikwe Boomho says:

        Never heard of that but cooking in iron pots and pans does give one iron

      2. If you need iron, eat some iron-rich food.

  3. Aluysion, I’m a high school biology teacher and you are correct. In good health we have immune cells scouting, eating and recycling the cancer cells. Also, cancer cells are kind of out-of-control stem cells, the latter which learn self-control and specialize so that they know when to stop becoming a stomach, breast, etc. That mechanism has been warped in the case of cancer and they’re trying to take over again.

  4. blank Philip Yeoh says:

    Definitely worth investigating.
    Even if the medical and pharma industries don’t do it for our public good, we should look into this seriously, especially those with loved ones thus afflicted.

  5. blank Omar Spence says:

    Great, now all we need to do is extract the active chemicals and figure out the dosage needed to get rid of the cancer. The biggest problem with using the whole herbs themselves is consistency in the levels of the active compounds as well as the other compounds in the plants that may either limit its effectiveness or may be harmful.

  6. blank Omar Spence says:

    Cancer in the clinical sense occurs when those same abnormal cells are able to proliferate while evading the immune system without requiring the usual growth factors that other cells do. The actual cancer cells are a product of natural selection, the ones that trigger an immune response are killed off, the ones that lack the genes necessary for growth and proliferation die on their own.
    It is more an issue of the cells sneaking past the immune system, which becomes easier if it is compromised or not fully developed, as would happen in the very old, very young or in persons with AIDS etc. Genetic fingerprinting in order to develop treatments that enable the immune system to recognize these cancers is the way to go. Currently most chemotherapy agents target the cell cycle which has an adverse effect on all cells, not just cancer.

  7. If you click on the Blue link of Life Sciences it clearly spells it out for your confusion about the normal Breast cells: Does not harm healthy cells!
    Medieval as it sounds, scientists are testing a recipe of wormwood and iron on breast cancer cells, and so far the results are encouraging. In a new study, researchers report that artemesinin–a derivative of the wormwood plant–kills iron-enriched breast cancer cells but doesn’t harm many healthy ones. Artemesinin’s destructive properties are triggered by higher than normal levels of iron in cancer cells.

  8. WOW, SO MUCH CONFUSION. Trophoblastic cells are what grows the foetus up until the pancreas forms and starts to control normal cell apoptosis.(death). If your pancreatic juices are affected by zinc deficiency or cadmium poisoning then trophoblastic cells can survive and multiply. These cells can be easily detected using a pregnancy test. False estrogens from cosmetics and plastics cause the body to absorb too much copper which fascillitates angiogenesis or the creation of a new blood supply which is necessary for tumour growth. So progesterone or plants which mimmick the action of progesterone like black cohosh or wild yam will remove excess copper and prevent the formation of new blood vessels to feed tumour growth. Molybdenum also works to remove copper from the body. Trophoblastic cells are anearobic as they grow before the lungs are formed so they don’t survive well in a highly oxygenated environment. Sugar is food for these cells. Thinking loving thoughts will alkalinize your body and cancer cells don’t survive well in an alkaline body. Good luck. I will be purchasing some wormwood capsules for my dear friend who is suffering at the moment. Makes sense to me. Pepitas are the richest food source of iron and watermelon is very alkalinising. Garlic is very helpful and apparently works better combined with chilis or ginger and cod liver oil or good old sunlight. Sungazing, THC, Liposomal vitamin C, Rife therapy are all worth a go.

  9. blank Carmen Ortiz says:

    How can it be so hard to produce naturally? In my yard it grows like a “weed” (not that I consider it one since I have a wildlife habitat). The reason I ended up her was because I have so much of it.

  10. blank Mari Laucher says:

    As an acupuncturist (presumably herbalist) you do know that Wormwood can be dangerous. I have used it effectively but it did have side effects.

  11. Nobody needs to supplement with Iron to enjoy the killing off of Cancer.
    I am a real person who even had both ears with Keratosis on both. 3 days after taking 60 drops / day the Keratosis fell off !!
    My best friend and her sister both got breast cancer. The older sister took the Wormwood for 2 days and it killed her breast cancer.
    The next year, she got it under her jaw bone and she took it for the 5 weeks then stopped.
    She said she is always going to take it at least 2-3 times / year because it does kill Cancer anywhere in the body before any Xray sees it!!
    My friend who had the breast cancer for 12 years , wasn’t aggressive, she took it 5 weeks and killed it off too!!
    So both sisters take it several times a year because it is killed before a Dr. or Xray can see it.
    I thank the Lord for Wormwood.

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