Amy’s Kitchen to Launch First Non-GMO, Organic Drive-Thru

As McDonald’s continues to lose money each month as millions reject its GMO-loaded fast food, a company called Amy’s Kitchen is making an awesome move towards making real food more accessible than ever before. The company is launching the first 100% non-GMO, organic-based drive-thru that will offer a host of locally sourced meals.
To me, this is an exciting step in the right direction when it comes to the future of food. I’ve always been about eating food that tastes good while still avoiding toxic additives. I’ve even released a book on the subject of organic, non-GMO cooking following my work with culinary leaders who share the same goal.
The truth is that many fast food giants will throw dangerous additives into their ‘food’ as a simple means of cutting cost. Even if it means a few pennies per serving. The future of food does not lie in this cost-cutting system, but in sustainability. Amy’s Kitchen is marketing its move the right way: check out the official release as documented by Huffington Post and others:
“The restaurant will offer meat-free burgers, burritos, macaroni and cheese, pizza, salad, and chili, as well as milkshakes and vegan non-dairy shakes. Each menu item can be ordered vegan or gluten-free, the company says, and every ingredient is non-GMO. More than 95 percent of the products are organic, and much of the ingredients will be locally sourced.”
This is the future of food — especially convenience-based food, as evidenced by the rise of Whole Foods and Chipotle’s non-GMO menu. People don’t want to go to their dimly-lit mainstream grocery stores and walk past the chemically-scented aisles of processed junk and cancer-causing home goods. We’re ready for a change, and any company that’s willing to truly adopt these changes is going to go far.
I’m looking forward to ordering some non-GMO food from any restaurant that’s willing to embrace the future of food.
About time this market demand was supplied 🙂
I don’t see a location mentioned. Am I missing something? (*fingers crossed for Cincinnati, OH*)