1. blank celiayounger says:

    Does anyone has a list of all foods that are GMO’s?? I will like to have a list if possible. They are lying so much and when we find out they already have a food oin the market for years. For example tomatoes, i am sure most of them are. when the seeds inside begin to sprout -look like worms- and the tomatoe begins to spoil inside instead the normal way, outside, that tells me they are GMO’S .. i imaging other veggies and fruits too are GMO and we don’t know.

    1. blank hyperzombie says:

      There are no GMO tomatoes commercially available. The only GMOs are corn, cotton, soy, canola, sugar beets, Hawaiian papaya, and squash. That is it. If you live in China there is Petunias and eggplant as well.

    2. blank Cindy Koch says:

      The app buycott is good.

    3. blank freedomdove says:

      There are other test crops that have been in the fields and there’s no telling whether there’s been cross-contamination or whether they’ve “accidentally” been put in the food chain. I would avoid conventional wheat, potatoes, tomatoes, cacao, and rice. That’s besides the crops that are legally commercially available: corn, canola, cotton, soy, sugar beets, alfalfa, rainbow papaya, and zucchini (and the factory-farmed animals that eat those crops–including by-products like their milk and eggs). This includes pretty much all oils labeled generically as “vegetable oil” (be careful buying cheap olive oil because many manufacturers are cutting it with other oils).
      If they had their way, they’d be modifying all crops. Growing your own or buying only organic/non-GMO verified is the quickly becoming the best way to know you’re avoiding GMOs and conventional pesticides. Supporting organic agriculture also ensures that you’re supporting a kind of ag that’s best for the environment.

      1. blank ksfreedom says:

        freedomdove your exactly right

    4. blank ksfreedom says:

      The produce,cereal,dairy everything in the store unless its labeled orhanic. Then you can’t be sure you would have to research each and every ones back ground. A farmers market or Amish community would be better.

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