1. blank Freespirit says:

    Common Sense tells any intelligent, honest, rational individual that there is bound to be DISASTROUS effects as a result of the Fukishima debacle, but then we have people like “gdbear65” who may be living in Disneyland or ,as I truly suspect, is a TROLL or at best, a STOOGE for the Establishment

  2. blank Don Porter says:

    Radiation is Invisible ! Tsunami- Earth quakes- Tornadoes etc are Highly visible. BEWARE this radiation mess – VERY DANGEROUS
    There is what we know
    There is what we Don’t know
    BIG Problem — There is what we don’t even know that we don’t know

  3. “300 tons of water is 1/8 the amount needed to fill an Olympic swimming pool…” You missed that part that said EVERY DAY. Smudge on your glasses?

    1. No I saw it, but if you read the article I cited you’ll realize that it’s not as bad as people seem to think. Most of it dissipates almost immediately in the ocean currents near Fukushima. It is cause for concern but no reason to panic. Articles such as this one overstate the dangers and don’t provide relevant facts. All they do is incite people to get upset over issues that are out of their control. Even if all the warnings are true, which they’re not, what can you do about it?

      1. blank anna miller says:

        Radiation does not “dissipate”. Just as corexit did not make the oil from the BP Gulf oil spill “disapeer”.
        How much money do you get paid to infiltrate web site comment sections, and spread evil?

        1. blank voice of reason says:

          Radiation absolutely dissapates… perhaps a better term would be diluted. To take a given amount of material that is radioactive and dilute it in a massive body of water reduces or eliminates all together the risk – depending on the original amount. I suggest you follow the link gdbear65 provided and read the analysis… it’s about critical thinking and dealing with FACTS… not emotions. There may be very REAL effects and consequences from what’s happened – but the point is (was) that THIS PARTICULAR article is riddled with fallicies and a lack of basic logic.

          1. blank anna miller says:

            Senior Scientist, Ken Buessler,in marine chemistry at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Massachusetts:
            Buessler and other experts say this much is clear: Both short-lived radioactive elements, such as iodine-131, and longer-lived elements — such as cesium-137, with a half-life of 30 years — can be absorbed by phytoplankton, zooplankton, kelp, and other marine life and then be transmitted up the food chain, to fish, marine mammals, and humans. Other radioactive elements — including plutonium, which has been detected outside the Fukushima plant — also pose a threat to marine life

          2. blank voice of reason says:

            … and so we’ve established that Buessler (et al) believe that some radioactive elements can be absorbed by the bottom of the food chain and up to the larger animals. And therefore, since there was an accident where some of these isotopes were released then it follows that our food supply is ruined, is that it? Or can you quote another expert who can actually quantify the results in terms of how much was released, how much has been detected in samples (compared to before-accident levels) and also determine what the dangerous levels are. I’m nervous (seriously) , but I’m not going to run around writing articles and making claims like this article makes without acquiring the facts to substantiate those claims. This is the point.

      2. blank anna miller says:

        ” Even if all the warnings are true, which they’re not, what can you do about it?” Are you suggesting that we all go to sleep and allow our species, indeed all species, to allow the big science for profit industry funded by big banks to destroy us all?

        1. blank anna miller says:

          For one thing, you could join your local environmental groups, for another, you could learn the names of your elected officials and write to them of your concerns. You could stay in touch with the latest news from various sources concerning the Fukushima disaster and make attempts to educate yourself and your community. .

          1. and you’ve done all that? How about an FB page?

  4. blank Flowerdamsel says:

    Why can I not share this on the internet???????
    Ok, did that… sorry. It is worth sharing to everyone!!!!!!!!

  5. blank RuralREbabe says:

    Why is there not a Facebook link for this important article???

  6. blank John48235 says:

    In part because I live five minutes by bicycle from the California coast, I am also very concerned about Fukushima.
    But gdbear65 makes good points, and does so in a professional manner; I just read the article he suggests, written by a biologist/geneticist, and I recommend it:
    Whether one agrees with gdbear65 or not, the puerile attacks on his character sabotage a reasonable discussion.

  7. blank John48235 says:

    The greatest danger from Fukushima could come as a result of the extremely dangerous (but necessary) Reactor 4 fuel rod removal (from the spent fuel pool) beginning now.
    This site updates multiple times per day; the headlines can be occasionally overwrought, but the actual content is solid, and regularly links to highly-credentialed experts, such as retired nuclear engineer Arnie Gundersen of Fairewinds Energy Education:

  8. blank Hail Mary says:

    All the banter is worth the read. Journalism is an art and a science. Art is creativity, an absolute genius. To be thoughtful about intelligence and the way one uses Words To Emphasize a point is down to an exact science. This article, and every comment, was able to reach multitudes of people. Radiation is real, and its harmful, and completely toxic. Scientifically speaking, or rationally speaking, would anyone really open a can of Tuna if there was a big radioactive warning label on it?
    American culture is geared towards fear. We are built on the concept of freedom, however it is amazing how caged most Americans feel. They read the newspapers and all the signs, and still some people are blind to the “bigger picture”. In other words, think of those in need first. Countless people are working on this cleanup and are risking their lives everyday to try and revert a world so warped. We MUST salute them. Those people risk their lives everyday, so that our children and our children’s children can live out a fulfilling and healthy natural life. We are entitled to know what poisons are in our foods, and our water. United we must stand on this issue. Locally, regionally and globally. Individuals, please take personal responsibility for individual choices. And let us all be a little more environmentally conscious. Treat others as we would like to be treated. In solidarity, Sister Hail Mary.

  9. I am already seeing wild salmon prices make a huge jump after this disaster. I used to be able to buy wild salmon but not any more at 20 dollars a pound. I asked the guy at our health food store why the price change, and he just shrugged his shoulders…

    1. He shrugged his shoulders because he didn’t know… of all the gazillions of causes of the fluctuation in salmon prices he wasn’t sure. But you are, apparently. It’s gotta be FUKASHIMA! Wow… thanks for enlightening us.

  10. blank thetruthmaster1 says:

    GO TO: RadiationNetwork Dot Comm. They have an interactive map that updates every 5 minutes as to the radion exposure locations and threat levels, throughout the entire USA. Put this Web Link on your smart phone as well for easy access while you are Mobile.

  11. blank Iaintgottime4dat says:

    Should we all pack up and head off into a self contained spaceship?

  12. Japanese robots are unable to tell when to protect national image and when truth must be told. The ability to discern has not been programmed into the brain of the robots or have been lost.
    Much has to change to the Japanese psyche.

  13. Some time ago I posted that California should prepare for the onslaught of radiation from the tragedy in Japan. The water that continues to leak from the damaged plants and the deadly radiation has made eating fish caught in the Pacific Ocean for the coming years a not to eat commodity for this table. Not one news or Government Agency is covering the event or sending any scientific expedition to the middle of the Pacific Ocean to investigate the radiation levels. We will need the coverage soon, but we have no policy for getting anything done, and after two years of the ocean spreading these particles someone needs to knock on the door.
    I see that Japan says all is OK, and we are agreeing, but when will we learn the truth.
    My letter to Greenpeace USA:
    This is a personal message to Greenpeace USA and what your doctrine has meant to me for as long as I can remember, now I need your help.
    Since the earthquake and tsunami-damaged Japan’s nuclear plants and with the radiation spreading over this past two years and our Government seems not concerned, and takes Japan’s word that all is “A OK”.
    What would it take with all the Russian problems that you’re having to do a study for America? The logic behind it is overwhelming, from the drop & cover in the early days to Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, the SL-1 Accident, and now Fukushima Daiichi which worries us.
    I can muster thousands of supporters hoping that you can see the ramifications, not as a political statement, but as a supporter of world events. Please don’t be condescending, we need answers.
    Thank you for your time!

  14. blank skinnycat says:

    Love reading all your comments and learning.
    But, what ARE we going to do about it?
    Should we abandon the building of nuclear plants?
    Should we close all that exist?
    BTW – where does all the ‘waste’ from these facilities go?

  15. blank Judith Taylor says:

    A peer reviewed epidemiological study has been done on babies born in California during and post Fukushima. It reveals elevated incidence of hyperthyroidism, which is a precursor to thyroid cancer. since Chernobyl similar studies have been done in Belorus and have given the same results. Russian scientists have proved through their research that 1 millions deaths have been caused by the radiation from the Chernobyl disaster

  16. The north pacific is probably a giant dead zone by now .it already has a giant garbage pach .PS radio active decaying ions tend to cling to planckton …the food base of every living creature at sea and those who depend apon it .. it is described in the Apocalispe => 1/3 of the seas ill be bitter …

  17. your EPA raises the “acceptable level “everytime some man-made ecological disaster occurs …lol !!!

  18. We are a dying planet, at the hands of humans.

  19. blank Rance Dewitt says:

    SOLVING FUKUSHIMA …. Geology fish farmer UTUBE in Pacific Rim.. see it.

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