7 Ways to Stop Aging in its Tracks

While being healthy overall is a goal for many, people also strive to keep a young appearance as they age . Fortunately, there are some great natural ways to slow or even reverse the aging process. Simply consuming or supplementing with
In addition to the above tips, here are 7 ways to stop aging in its tracks.
- 1. Eat more blueberries – While blueberries are the focus here, any food which contains high levels of free radical-fighting antioxidants will help to slow aging. If our cells aren’t attacked and damaged by these pesky molecules with an unpaired electron in its outer shell, then we won’t look so old so fast. There is an entire theory which states that aging only happens because our cells are ravaged by free radicals. Reducing oxidative stress can indeed lengthen your lifetime. (Check out this post for other health benefits of blueberries).
- 2. Exercise – Don’t hate the messenger. I’m just here to deliver the truth; if you are more active, you will live longer – period. Exercise appears to slow the shortening of telomeres, which are the end caps of chromosomes – the structure which carry genes. When a cell divides, the telomeres shorten. If they get too short, a cell will no longer divide and then die. Similarly, curcumin has been shown to match exercise in slowing the aging process, so eat more
turmeric ! - 3. Sit Still and Try Not to Think – It’s been known for ages, but several studies show how meditation can lengthen lifespan by lowering stress. It actually slows aging at the cellular level and can even help with disease reduction and recuperation. Reducing cognitive stress is key to slowing the aging process.
- 4. Eat Less – In Okinawa, people live to be well over 100, and part of the reason for this is because they only fill themselves 8/10th of the way full. They also enjoy lower rates of cancer, heart disease, and diabetes.
- 5. Find Ways to Feel Happy – Easier said than done, I know. But research (and a bit of common sense) shows that people who are generally upbeat and happy live longer. For some help, here are 7 ways to release natural “feel good” hormones, as well as 5 scientifically-supported tips for instant happiness.
- 6. Stay Connected to Community – People who feel they are a contributing active member of society tend to live longer. So go do some good!
- 7. Get More Sleep – It may seem like time wasted, but sleep is one of the best ways to not only look your best, but also live a longer, healthier life. A study involving 21,000 twins found that the sibling who slept between 7 and 8 hours each night had a lower risk of death.
Just turned 32 and starting to see a few lines coming through (mostly in my forehead) and would like to start to use an anti wrinkle cream. I guess all my early years of sun worshipping and not moisturizing is coming to smack me in the ass 🙁
I have a fair complexion with plenty of freckles.
Any advice at all would be great as there is so much out there not sure which way to go