7 Herbs Used in Ayurveda that Destroy Colon & Other Cancers Fast

Numerous Ayurvedic texts speak of ways to treat cancers of the colon and digestive system. Two texts which were written around 700 BC are classic wisdom from the sister science of yoga – the Charakaand Sushruta Samhita. Both are suggested as being an imbalance in one of the doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) which describe general physiological states in people throughout the world. Once the doshas are returned to balance, then cancer and other diseases disappear from the body.
The following 7 herbs are used in Ayurveda to bring balance to the doshas, helping to minimize or completely eradicate colon cancer.
1. Ashwagandha
Due to being an adaptogen, this herb is used for literally hundreds of ailments in Ayurvedic medicine. It ‘intuits’ where your body needs support and provides it. Ashwagandha increases our resistance to stress while increasing energy levels, freeing up the body’s systems to scavenge rouge cells.
According to research conducted on the herb, ashwagandha helps in the slowing down of the growth of the cancer cells and inhibits the growth of tumor cells without harming the good cells.
2. Garlic
Numerous double-blind studies have shown that garlic is a powerful herb for treating cancer. Naturopaths have been using raw garlic, and even garlic juice or soups, to treat cancer for ages. Garlic has even proven to kill brain cancer cells (in addition to colon cancers) without harming healthy cells, and with no side effects. Add some onions and broccoli, and you’ve got a cancer fighting power-house.
It is also a staple of the Ayurvedic herbal medicine cabinet. Check out the health benefits of garlic, here.
3. Green Tea
Green tea isn’t just a social grace, but a healing remedy for colon and other cancers. Not only does it inhibit the formation of cancerous cells, but the catechin polyphenols within can even kill cancerous cells without harming healthy cells. By drinking green tea regularly, you can eradicate colon tumors while they are in their most infant stages.
4. Celandine
A member of the poppy plant family, celandine has been known to treat colon cancer as well. It also boosts the immune system so that cancer and other disease never have a chance to develop. Further, the herb treats diseases like asthma and atherosclerosis.
5. Aloe Vera & Apple Cider Vinegar Fasts
While these two herbal remedies act together primarily as a means to cleanse the colon, thereby eliminating toxins which could accumulate in the digestive tract causing disease, they are also great anti-inflammatory agents.
The benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) cannot be understated. It helps with candida overgrowth (also shown to contribute to many cancers) and lowers blood glucose levels. Aloe Vera juice has been shown to help people who have tried numerous pharmaceutical meds – folfox, xeloda, avastin and other chemotherapies to no avail.
6. Ginger Root
An Ayurvedic staple, ginger is used in many Indian dishes. Inflammation markers that have been earlier proved in clinical research as precursors to colon cancer can be reduced significantly by the consumption of ginger powder or ginger roots. A powerful anti-inflammatory, ginger soothes and heals the digestive tract, and therefore has been suggested as one of the best home remedies for the treatment of colon cancer.
In one study, Suzanna M. Zick, N.D., M.P.H, enrolled 30 patients and randomly assigned them to two grams of ginger root supplements per day or placebo for 28 days. She had astoundingly positive results. Zick commented that:
“We need to apply the same rigor to the sorts of questions about the effect of ginger root that we apply to other clinical trial research. Interest in this is only going to increase as people look for ways to prevent cancer that are nontoxic, and improve their quality of life in a cost-effective way.”
Ginger has also destroyed ovarian and prostate cancer cells in other studies.
7. Turmeric
If you haven’t heard of this herb by now, you’ve likely been living under a rock. The compounds in
Sure, you can turn to chemotherapy for your colon cancer, which causes your hair to fall out, your insides to feel like they won’t stop being regurgitated, and your energy to be completely devastated. You can also try invasive surgery – all for the bargain basement price of several to twenty thousand dollars.
Or you can start taking these Ayurvedic herbal remedies that have been around for thousands of years and proven through time for mere pennies.
Add in black cumin and you have a winner.
Cangard Anti-Oxidant and Cangard Recovery Fast is an evidence based CAM (Complementary Alternative Medicine) treatment modality designed for concurrent and adjuvant cancer care. It is introduced with an aim to offer relief to cancer patients without interfering with conventional cancer therapy.
pelvi scan report ..real time B mode of ultrasonography of the pelvis done..there is an uniocular cyst with clear fluid of 46 x 56 cm in right ovary..left normal..there is no mass or fluid oncollection in pod…uterus anteverted it measures 8.4 x 5.2×6.3 mm..endometrium myometrial junction is ill defined…uniocular right ovarian cyst with risk ofmalignancy is 0.6 %..endometrium measures 7.3 mm….pl provide suitable medicine age 32 yr. regards.
Chistina sarich …..My mother is having recurrant adrenocortical carcinoma which is a deadly cancer.
Due to which she is having high cortisol…..Due to high cortisol ,she is not a candidate for curcumin and few more herbs you have mentioned…..Can you let me know the specific herb that would be good for her.
Nothing you have written above is actual ayurveda nor how any of those herbs are used in ayurveda, specially with colon cancer which would need to be looked at from the individual’s imbalance and the type of colon cancer it is. Simply put, your limited knowledge of ayurveda and your arrogance of writing an article is harming people rather than helping them. But I guess you don’t know that. You have simply written just one more bogus ayurveda article out there on the internet and whats even worse is that your writing about cancer, so your really messing with the seriously diseased and full of fear and anxiety. Deep deep shame on you.
What’s your take on this. Your recommendations for this ailment so people can benefit. Thanks.
Hi Kingsley. Not my take. Actual Ayurveda does not work as an allopathic paradigm works. It doesn’t work as western herbalism, which is in the same paradigm as western allopathy is. Hard to wrap one’s head around with a western mind. Ayurveda treats the individual. Not treating symptoms of the disease. How treatments for the same disease in two individuals would be carried out would be possibly drastically different. What is written above is a westerner taking a book on Ayurvedic herbs and seeing what Ayurveda would use possibly for cancer. Its actually not correct or Ayurveda. Cancers are all different. Different tissues involved. Herbs have affinities to different tissues. A disease in Ayurveda, is categorized by one method and then under that umbrella that imbalance is further delineated in its different ways, each needing its specific treatment. Unfortunately much of what your going to find out there on Ayurveda is a Westernized idea of it with this article being at the worst of the heap and scientific research being done from a western approach being at the upper level. Western research methods can not be used on Ayurveda because Ayurveda is basically and inverse way of seeing everything. If you take an herb, what the individuals basis is will have an impact on how that herb functions in their system, this could be good or bad. What you take that herb with matters greatly as to how and where that herb will take its effect. What time you take that herb also will greatly impact its effect. Ayurveda is actually way way more detailed a science than Western medicine. Hard to swallow fact. But, with the popularization of Ayurveda in the West, it has also been watered down to the point where you will not find real Ayurveda easily. If your needing real treatment, the only real option is India and then finding the real thing there…. its difficult as well. If you are searching, i would advise to stay away from the popular by the Western crowd places. Stick to the reknown places like AVP. Even then it is kinda a hit or miss. good luck.
Thanks Brad for the enlightenment. But can one combine 4 or 5 of the suggested herbs and achieve some results?
Also, can you, or anyone knowledgeable on this subject, please recommend a combination of herbs, Ayurvedic or not, that has significant impact in killing colon cancer cells?
Thanks once again.
Kingsley Agbontaen
What herbs would you take for Bowel Cancer?