1. blank Tara Colleen Barnes says:

    Monsanto is also is a shareholder in controlling the weather (aka the recent acquisition of Climate Corp via Forbes) and they have aluminum resistant seeds (research high lvls of aluminum in soil and chemtrails).

  2. It was a good message, but with my many years in video, I have to say that the video scenes insertions did not blend in well with the ideas in communication. To explain further, listen to the audio, then think of a better picture that would express what you are saying, other than mountain snow and trees. It did not blend well from the scene where you were talking from. It’s a little hard to explain without a lot more communications. All in all, Keep up the good work.
    I will be voting for the labeling of GMO foods come this November in Washington State.

    1. Oh, almost forgot. When you are talking on a professional bases in
      the media and you use words like “freaking”, it demeans the message. And
      for that scene, a small tripod would have helped stop the swaying and
      wind covers on the mics would have cut down on the wind noise. A close
      up shot to start with, going into a slow pan out, would have helped with
      the insertions of new video. Just trying to help you look more
      I do like what you are doing in the nutritional world and the fight against Monsanto and the other big 5. I always enjoy reading your articles.

  3. There may be 5 reasons but you sound like a Tea Party debater. Repeat the same thing with no real data to back it and try to appeal to some kind of emotional side to advance your agenda with the masses. FUD (fear, uncertainty and doubt) to manipulate the masses to your agenda…Reagan did it, Bush and Cheney did it, it is being done to Obamacare. It works! Maybe get angry, louder and resort to name calling. I really hate Monsanto too, but you are playing up the GMOs with no substance or real scientific facts. Hate Monsanto for their business practices and just like any good college essay, state your case clearly with valid fact based arguments. That shouldn’t be hard for a college grad writing anything about Monsanto.

  4. blank Spiritwolf Ofthewild says:

    There is so much out there, Our country is absolutely Beautiful and nature needs to be saved, our wildlife needs us to save them, without us who do they have? Monsanto needs to GO!!!

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