1. There is more that should be spoken about both from a personal perspective (a veteran of nearly 40 years of acid reflux- no healed!!).

    Remove all meat, dairy and wheat products from the daily nutritional intake. Remove ALL processed foods.

    Understand that it actually is a functional issue. Eat clean and green, I healed my self of debilitating reflux and bloating and now I am totally healed. ..NO MEDS and NO MEDICAL INTERFERENCE.

  2. blank Robin AKA GoatMom says:

    I used the purple pill and others without relief for several years after the sudden onset of GERD. I got fed up at no relief and set about to heal myself. I cut out all processed foods, only pastured meats raised by known people, raw milk, limited grains and most soaked made from home ground organic wheat berries. I'd already lost 15 pounds, then another 15 more. Smaller meals, which became easier as I ate more nourishing foods I ate less. No eating after six. No black pepper, its a huge trigger for reflux for me, white pepper no problem. And getting sun on my belly a few times a week for 15-20 minutes. Only coconut oil, grass fed butter, lard rendered by friends from their pastured animals and olive oil No reflux for 4 years now. My osteopenia, bone loss, is reversing too. I don't think there's a magic answer but overall cleaner , healthier foods and trial and error will find what works for each individuals health/body.

      1. blank Anonymous says:

        Should try some of these.

  3. Eating wheat products does it to me, so I've dropped them and don't have that problem any more.

  4. hot ginger/green/mint tea i enjoy…

  5. Well done! I did the same-can't eat pulses or grains. Make my own flour from sweet potato flour(Chinese shops)rice flour but can't eat any rice, & potato flour. Don't eat any processed or ready foods,no chemicals/additives at all.I find this controls my migrains but has also helped reflux (familial)Homeopaths/herbalists helped me,doctors not even interested when I tell them how I do it.We have to take responsibility where we can for our health.

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