5 of the Hottest Healing Foods of 2014

2014 was a great year for so many reasons. Although the health food and natural health movement had begun some time ago, it seems that this was the year that it truly took off. Many health battles have been won, and many advancements have been made in the natural health field that unveiled the true power of food, converting countless individuals to ‘foodies.’ Below are 5 of the hottest foods of 2014 that helped torpedo so many into a natural healing lifestyle.
1. Turmeric

The popular Indian spice
Multiple studies have found that
Here is a little trick on how to optimize turmeric absorption to attain the most benefits. Check out our search function to unveil even more benefits of
2. Garlic

Garlic has been studied not only for it’s ability to fight bacterial and viral infections, but also infections from other microbes including yeasts/fungi and worms. One particular substance found in garlic called ajoene has been used to help prevent infections with the yeast Candida albicans.
Other research has shown that crushed garlic can help prevent infection by the bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa in patients with burns.
And of course, garlic is great for boosting the immune system, containing high levels of vitamin C and being identified. Because of its high potassium content, it can aid in absorption of essential nutrients, and help avoid digestive problems and fatigue as well.
The root can also prevent cancer, detoxify, hinder inflammation, and act as a natural home remedy for a toothache.
3. Dark Chocolate

Chocolate may just be everyone’s favorite health food of 2014. Everyone knew that chocolate was delicious, but the nutrition-capabilities have widely been hiding under a rock. Chocolate can be great for:
- Lowering blood pressure
- Simulating endorphin production
- Easing stress and depression
- Slowing aging
- Preventing oxidative stress and damage from free radicals
- Treating and preventing cough
- Enhancing vision and eye health
- Preventing stroke Anemia (iron) Protection against toxic fluoride (selenium)
- Weight loss
- Improving mood
- Boosting brain function
- Improving heart health
- Reducing risk of stroke, cardiovascular disease, and many cancers
Just remember to choose chocolate with a high cacao content, as this chocolate is minimally processed and contains higher amounts of health-boosting compounds such as flavonols that include catechin and epicatechin.
4. Magnesium-Rich Foods

Magnesium is a common element that has many functions in the human body, from energy production to providing bone density. It is also necessary for cardiovascular health. In fact, this simple mineral has been shown in a German study to dramatically reduce both cardiovascular disease mortality rates and the mortality rates from all causes.
This is why so many individuals are learning about magnesium-deficiency symptoms and searching for foods rich in magnesium.
Some magnesium-rich foods include:
- Pumpkin seeds
- Rice bran
- Coriander, sage, basil
- Dark chocolate (yay!)
- Dark leafy greens
- Beans and lentils
- Sunflower seeds
5. Sesame Seeds

Sesame seeds are packed with manganese, copper, calcium, iron, magnesium, and much more – all essential to numerous bodily processes. These seeds are not only praised for their nutritional content in seed form, but are also highly valued for their rancid-resistant oil. In fact, once you learn of the health benefits of sesame seeds, you may just find yourself stocking up on this ancient condiment.
The seeds can be used to lower blood pressure, boost oral health through the use of sesame seed oil for oil pulling, protect against DNA damage from radiation, and much more. I think this food is a well-deserved highlight of 2014.
Be sure to check back at Natural Society to see what’s in store for the coming year – 2015. It will be exciting!
I wish article and authors discussing “dark Chocolate” would drop the reference to “chocolate” and instead discuss the raw material which is the source of the desired phytonutrients. The reason is that the vast majority of people make the mistake of buying retail chocolate bars which supports the processed food industry, and fails to educate the person about the bottom line – we all need to move our habits toward the source. This includes knowing the medicinal ingredient desired, buying this whenever possible, in bulk raw material state, learning to work with it in the kitchen, and gaining far more food self-reliance and cost-effectiveness than supporting inferior products and companies which denature the good foods in the processing process which is driven by the profit-motive and this means an ever-expanding methodology for reducing their production cost by always lowering quality. What we need to be discussing is ways to make homemade “Raw Cacao” items which will deliver far more nutrients for much less cost, and therefore the question is where can we get the highest quality for the lowest cost and store our supply (raw cacao powder is highly storeable under the right conditions).
I couldn’t agree with you more Ariel. It has become very noticeable in the last couple of years as more and more people are turning to organic, the quality of organic products are being lowered. I make every attempt to stay away from organic processed foods. Buying raw in bulk and spending a little more time in the kitchen sure does have greater health benefits.
I’ll take dark chocolate out of those five options. The downside is that chocolate will become a luxury food in time and we’ll eating fake chocolate bars instead. 😐