1. I am so grateful for this article … and also concerned. Much seaweed and marine life in the Pacific, off the west coast (US and Canada) is now tainted by Fukushima “plume”. Recently, the IAEA suggested that radioactive waters from Fukushima be dumped in the deep sea. MY QUESTION: Given this background, what sources of Spirulina should people be looking for? Supposedly, the southern Pacific is still untouched by this.
    Thank you.

    1. I would like the answer also

    2. Try searching “Spirulina farming” in Google, you’ll see how some of those Spirulina pills or Spirulina powder production companies farm the seaweed in their plants, I think you don’t need to worry about the pollution problem…

      1. depends where the air and water for those plants comes from

  2. blank Anne Mullett says:

    The pollutants from Fukushima are much more severe.

  3. blank Leaping Lizard says:

    Spirulina grows in fresh water lakes. Why the author refers to it as a “deep sea medicine” is a bit of a mystery. It also means that it is not directly affected by Fukushima, though indirectly, the who planet is being killed by it.

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