1. Nice, but how can you recommend soybean consumption when we all know very well that almost all soy produced is genetically modified, and comes complete with all the deleterious effects of genetic manipulation?

  2. blank detox sick says:


    Soybean consumption is fine in moderation if organic or fermented.

    Know this: the world is soaking in depleted uranium, radiation and all manner of poisonous horrors.

    We do what we can, but in the end, you know what they say about life…it'll kill ya!

    Try the stress busting techniques, you sound like you could use 'em.

    1. @detox sick

      the ad hominem was unwarranted, perhaps you should take some of your own advice

  3. blank Christine says:

    Well written article. A great way to overcome stress is using music therapy. Music therapy is a proven technique for stress relief. A great course that explains the benefits of this is Soothing Stress Relief Sounds Course.

  4. Great tips! This is exactly what I need right now. I've been experiencing health problems due to stress and I need these reductions tips!

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