1. Monsanto has purchased protection from Federal, State, and local agencies and they have bought the loyalty of Universities. But truth is oozing out like pus from an open wound so their time is coming and when it does it will not be a pretty sight for all who have collaborated to destroy our health and our earth.

  2. blank Robert Bouchard says:

    I have been going to my M.Ps about this for the past four years.The problem is the government, the minister of environtment keeps giving permits for this chemical to Hydro lines,Rail Roads,Forestry,School yards, playground,provintial parks,sides of our hyways,natural gas lines,oil pipe lines and many other places. If you were to check it, it would show that 1/3 of Canada has been chemicaly sprayed, all because it is easier, and cheaper to kill and contamenate every thing with Monsantos POISON.I have even gone to the town of Massey Ontario, Canada and tolled them that this chemical is going in their drinking water, but I guess it is already affecting their heads. The rivers and streams are the vains of the earth, if we do not stop this,the future of your children, and grand children is poor.

  3. The worst thing is that this collaboration between certain members of our judicial system and the biggest corporations may lead to the complete decay of the organic food phenomena. Everyone knows that the owners of Monsanto want to destroy those organic farmers who refuse to use toxins to grow their food. That’s why I think the government shouldn’t allow such a small number of corporations to build monopoly positions in the food industry. I am a great fan of organic food and in Canada organic farming has recently been on the rise and I think that similar steps will have detrimental consequences as far as the future development of this industry sector is concerned. We should take this as a warning to act until it's too late.

  4. blank Patrick Henry says:

    You also have to ask yourself why would Monsanto have interest in owning Blackwater, now Xe.

    I am confident the recent attacks on Raw Milk Producers is a direct result of Monsanto's lobbying efforts since they are the makers of the Bovine growth Hormone responsible increasing milk production. (Wife was former Consultant on their application to FDA)

  5. blank I_pity_the_fool. says:

    That was my REPLY to Finn-clan-Goeff (above).

    A bug or flaw in this Discussion Board's software did NOT put my comment right-under, and indented-from the posting to which I was responding.

    Similarly, you can't tell with whom "Konrad Willy" agrees …

  6. The Monsanto family was involved in the slave trade.

    It is very sad that Barack Obama's administration is giving Monsanto company freebies and special preferences.

  7. blank biggerbrain says:

    Pesticides are for killing rats NOT weeds.

    Glyphosate is a herbicide NOT pesticide.

    How do you expect intelligent people to take you seriously when you cant even use the right words??

    1. blank Sally Vogel says:

      I used to correct people who used the term "pesticide" for an herbicide, but it turns out I was wrong, just as you are. I looked it up and found that "pesticide" is a generic term for any product that kills an unwanted organism.

  8. Well said Barry, hit them where it hurt…..money. Boycott Monsanto's and their products.

  9. Hello Robert, I live in Massey and just learned about this. Do you have any other information? It would be greatly appreciated.

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