3 Companies Using GMOs in Baby Formula

It seems with the many reports of birth defects, organ failure, cancer, and other unsavory health conditions associated with GMO consumption, we should limit the use of GMO in baby products. After all, babies are very sensitive to the foods they consume, and we already know that pesticides found in mother’s milk can be damaging. Below you will learn of three companies which represent more than 90% of baby formula sales in the US that won’t consider removing GMOs from your baby’s food.
Health-Damaging GMOs in Baby Formula
Why would we knowingly feed our children GMOs before it has really been proven to be ‘safe’ as Monsanto, BASF, and other companies like Abbott Laboratories, Mead Johnson Nutrition, and Nestlé USA, the company who wants to own water rights, tout?
If you feed your baby one of the following three infant formulas, you are perhaps, unknowingly, feeding them GMO corn, sugar beets, and soy, since they are often used these companies’ products:
1. Similac
One of the widest used brands and often given out for ‘free’ at hospitals, this baby formula is made by Abbott Laboratories. The company is selling you a can of baby formula for over $100 that is full of GMO poisons. You could contact the company to ask why it would include GMOs, or, you can just boycott it altogether. Shareholders are supposed to vote on whether the company is able to continue to use GMO in baby formulas. Abott Laboratories is one of the top 10 pharmaceutical companies – go figure.
2. Enfamil
Another baby formula often given out as ‘free’ samples to new mothers iis made by Mead Johnson Nutrition. Their website boasts, ‘Enfamil, scientifically designed to meet the nutritional needs of newborns and infants.’ The following Mead Johnson formulas are known to have GMO toxins:
- Enfamil with Iron
- Enfamil with low Iron
- Enfamil Lacto Free
- Enfamil 22
- Enfamil Next Step (both soy and milk varieties)
- Enfamil Nutramigen
- Enfamil Pro-Soybee
3. Gerber Good Start
The GMO-riddled formula made by Nestlé USA is perhaps the most questionable since the company has knowingly tried to ‘patent’ water and make it a commodity though it is all part of life itself on this planet. Do we really want to trust a company who wants privatize water with feeding our children health foods? The company went GMO free in South Africa, according to Corporate Action Network, but continues to sell American families the contaminated GMO formula we feed our babies every day.
Nestlé USA and Mead Johnson Nutrition have dismissed calls to remove genetically-modified organisms (GMO) from their infant formula products in the US – citing the approved use of GMOs by several national and global regulatory bodies.
You can boycott all these companies and start making your own home-made, natural baby formula without toxic chemicals and pesticides and nasty GMOs. The assistant director of the FDA, Nick Duy, says we shouldn’t make our own baby formula, but why isn’t he ousting these companies for using questionable (at best) and health-damaging GMOs?
Where on gods green earth did you find a singular can of similac for over $100
This “free” gift that you take home with your new baby actually pads your hospital bill by about that much.
Good message that will encourage breastfeeding.
Not all women can breastfeed.
Terrible thing to say to moms that tried their damndest.
Not everyone can breastfeed for as long as they would like to. I did find this info though, wonder if it’s true?? How can you avoid GMOs?
The best way to avoid GMOs is to choose organic. By law, organic products must be made and produced without the use of genetic engineering. That is why at every phase in the production process, organic processors and producers are required to take steps to make sure that you and your family are getting all the benefits you need and want and none of the things you don’t—including GMOs. That means not planting or treating land on which organic food and fiber is grown with prohibited substances (including GMOs); creating buffer zones to prevent contact between organic and non-organic crops; cleaning machinery to prevent contact between organic and non-organic items and minimize the risk of contamination; and storing organic and non-organic ingredients separately to ensure that the organic products have as little risk as possible of containing GMOs.
It has been proven that these companies lie and that foods like Earths’ Best aren’t truly organic. I know I looked into all of them when I stopped producing milk and had to go to formula which I was not happy about nor did I want to. I did find one all natural and organic formula but it was in Europe and I couldn’t get any distributor to ship to the US. God for bid we feed our children right and the healthy way.
Similac for over $100?????
is there a formula option that does not contain gmo’s out there for those mothers that are unable to breastfeed?
Yes, Whole Foods sells one, but I can’t remember the name, I believe you can get it at Target, also. My daughter’s pediatrician recommended it for my grandson, so maybe you could ask your pediatrician.
But if you look at what they contain, and really think about it…you still shouldn’t feed them that crap. Corn syrup and oil. A baby needs cholesterol to grow their brain. Look at what corn syrup has done to our kids, our nation. The reason babies are “allergic” to milk is because people are using pasteurized milk. Pasteurization destroys not just bad bacteria, but good bacteria (that keep bad bacteria in check), enzymes, and the fragile milk proteins. It also messes with the calcium and destroys the vitamins, such as A & D. That is why they are added to pasteurized milk. The problem is that they are synthetic. Your body doesn’t use them. But it looks good on the carton and on the formula container! In other words, now their is nothing to protect the milk if bad bacteria enters.
It puzzled the mind that these pharmaceutical companies are making baby foods, the most famous and greatest mass-murders in history. It is said that 99% of prescription drugs cures nothing!. So why aren’t Americans out in the street with signs, boycotting and demanding clean and safe drugs. These baby formulas of course are drugs since it is being made by these big Pharma company. There is no future for America since we are feeding our baby poisons, that manipulate and mutate the cells, our biological make-up wasn’t made to sustain these powerful and deadly drugs…I could say a-lot more, but whats the use. These are powerful companies with billions to spread around and control politician/government or who ever as a pocket to fill
I am pro-labeling, but also pro-fact. Provide your proof that these companies actually put GMO ingredients into their formula. Where is the analysis sheet (scanned and online) of the laboratory that did the analysis on the formulas in question?
I have seen too many lay-sites that put up an many untrue or twisted facts as Monsanto. Back up your accusations with real, measurable proof – not merely accusations of thought or opinion. So what if the mothers breast milk showed signs of pesticides – this could very well come from eating non-Organic produce during pregnancy in uninformed mothers.
You want to win labeling? Then be SMART and SHOW PROOF.
Any company NOT using GMO’s is happy to let everyone know that. It is called deductive reasoning.
You should update your story, because similac offers non gmo in advanced and sensitive now.
I have a dun Jun for Monsanto