How is Aspartame Made? 1999 Investigation Finds Aspartame is Made with Genetically Modified Bacteria

How is aspartame made? As early as 1999, aspartame was exposed as a toxic sweetener that was made through a process that involves genetically modified bacteria.
An article by The Independent entitled “World’s top sweetener is made with GM bacteria” revealed that 2 controversial food villains – artificial sweeteners and genetically modified organisms – were joining forces. It may be time to kick aspartame to the curb.
It has been a secret until relatively recently that one of the most utilized sweeteners in our food chain is genetically modified. Monsanto insists that it is completely safe; however, simply because there was no modified DNA in the final product.
An Interesting Story of Aspartame’s History in the Making
As reported by The Independent, both a Monsanto source and a Monsanto spokesperson revealed that aspartame creation process did in fact involve genetically modified bacteria.
“We have two strains of bacteria – one is traditionally modified and one is genetically modified,” said the source. “It’s got a modified enzyme. It has one amino acid different.”
Interestingly, the UK market does not have to eat genetically modified bacteria poop. Some consumer groups warn; however, that some low-calorie foods may still contain the GMO aspartame, even overseas.
Aspartame is made by combining phenylalanine, a substance that is produced naturally by bacteria with another amino acid that has not been genetically altered.
However, Monsanto has genetically changed the bacteria to create more phenylalanine. When this amino acid chain breaks down, it breaks down into three constituents, including methanol – which has been linked to autism, preterm delivery, and more.
This is then broken down in the body to formic acid (which needs to be handled with goggles and gloves in a lab), and formaldehyde (something used to clean drains and embalm dead bodies, and a known carcinogen).
It also breaks down into a chemical called DKP, which can cause brain tumors according to a study published on the US Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) site about aspartame.
The process of genetic modification is one that leads to unpredictable consequences. When manipulating the very genetic coding of an organism, of which we do not even fully understand, it doesn’t make much sense to think there will be no adverse reactions.
It’s crazy to think genetically modified ingredients have found their way into such a wide variety of products without anyone knowing, despite research highlighting its potential negative effects.
It isn't all bad. Aspartame makes the best ant killer in the world. I use one packet a year to keep my house ant free. They are free wherever they serve coffee. Just put a little pinch on the ant's trails and in two weeks they are gone and don't come back.
This is hilarious, perhaps there IS a use for toxic aspartame! Thanks RC.
im def going to try that next summer for my ant prob! besides the fact that asp. is a toxic poison,why do pple like it,tastes awful,leaves u thirsty,with a bad aftertaste,no artificial sweeteners r good for u,now sucralose is in our drinking water,cant be processed by the liver,and cant be filtered out,they think theyll kill us all n hide in bunkers underground,i hope they devolve into worms and die down there,now even regular sugar is now gm beet sugar,u have to look for "cane sugar",and HFCS causes metabolic syndrome,is not processed by the body like sugar,despite the commercials saying it is,and is making everyone get fat rolls like never seen in history,it goes on and on!
Known since 1999!! Wow..
And this is in 99% of all gums… perhaps more.
I used Aspartame for several years……in the Crystal Light to go packages and Splenda. I became allergic to it and it took me a year to figure out what made me itch. Also, I began to have vision difficulties…….not gradual….all at once and it was getting worse. Finally, figuring out the allergy was Aspartame, I obviously quit using it. It has been several months now and my vision has improved alot.
I say take it off the market!! DON'T put it in products without it being on the label. What is the reason for poisoning people and causing problems???
It’s called MONEY. Where there is illness there is money to be made. Big Pharma cannot get richer if people are healthy.
Your credibility is undermined, because tobacco doesn't cause cancer, but the radioactive particles absorbed by the tobacco plant cause cancer.
I suffered from migraines that caused loss of all sensation on my right side my hearing and vision would go it took years and lots of mess until a neurologist/surgeon I went to starting wanting to eliminate foods starting with my yogurt I ate everyday sweetened with aspartame with in no time they went away today I have no migraines of that intensity but if I eat something that has it in there ( without knowing it ) I will get one bad so I read labels very carefully.
Also had a good friend whose son starting having seizures at 12 years old no mess worked either when my same doctor asked questions he found he drank at least 3 diet comes a day. Eliminated the diet drinks all seizures quit
aspartame is dead worm if you didnt know.