1. Anonymous says:

    Fluoride is a killer, everyone should be detoxing the best ways they can, thank you for taking the time to deliver this piece.

  2. My dentist insisted that fluoride is an absolute necessity when I questioned him. Thankfully I haven't used fluoride toothpaste for many years and I don't drink tap water but there are many that do who are unaware of the poisonous nature of fluoride – well done for this article

    1. Many bottled waters contain fluoride, because believe it or not, they just buy the water from a city who is fluoridating. Happening here in Wa. state.

  3. Dr Pieter Dahler, DDS, MD ND (hon) PhD says:

    Of course we know why fluoride is cancer causing (carcinogenic). It displaces out the Iodine content of the body reserves. Iodine deficiency causes Thyroid and many more serious associated health problems. The Thyroid pretty much controls all the functions of the glands of the body via its hormones. The Periodic Table (see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Periodic_table)showing the yellow section on the right side, how everything below the F (fluoride)and Cl (chloride) is being displaced, that include the I for iodine.

    “The natural life cycle of normal cells includes growth, division and ultimate death. Apoptosis is a necessary and natural process that refers to the programmed death of our body’s cells. The spent cells are continually replaced by new cells as the normal cycle perpetuates. Apoptosis keeps cell division in check to ensure their normal life cycle and eventual death; however, abnormal cancer cells do not undergo this process and their uncontrolled growth eventually overwhelms and damages the body.

    The research and clinical experience of Dr Brownstein and his colleagues maintains that iodine is an anticancer nutrient that promotes apoptosis when taken in doses far exceeding the RDA, and that chronic deficiencies and the body’s inability to properly utilize iodine set the stage for cancers of hormone-sensitive tissues and glands, such as the breasts, ovaries, uterus and prostate.” NOT PRETTY, EH?!
    Welcome to modernity!

    Now if you drink any amount of city water that is chlorinated, or swim in a pool with chlorine disinfectant, or drink Yuppy water from little plastic bottles (which essentially is city water), then you add a constant source of iodine deficiency causing problems to your life.

  4. Two researchers of Alcoa were paid 750,000 to promote a lie

  5. Thank for the useful information . Never knew details about fluorides. I guess any thing in excess is harmful. People must be made aware of the topic.
    Winnipeg Dentist

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