1. My mother drinks more than 2L of diet coke a day, this type of coke addiction affects more people than anyone realizes. And I know of more people who drink way too much every single day. It is becoming a problem.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Huh? The government missed out on a chance to arrest and fine a person? This woman was clearly a danger to herself and the general public. Sounds like more laws need to be passed. Government could have made thousands in fines and probation fees.

  3. Pople this is not new news, apprx 10 yrs agosome friends of friends told me that a dear friend of theirs diedoperating table and the autopsy showed that all the mans inner stomach lining and surrounding areas were literally frie-burnt as a direct result of his 2 gallons day consumptgion habitr of COKE drinking.

    Also, another true story is that in a beverage distr warehouse they found leaky pallet of COKE and the floor cement/varnish seal was corroded w/the acidity of the leaking COKE. Drink pure water or 100% juice w/o sugar added!!!

  4. Sure, 2 gallons of Coke a day is really bad, but so is drinking excessive amounts of water. Whatever happened to moderation in all things?

  5. julesbell says:

    when i was little, my grandpa would sometimes buy a couple green glass bottles of coca cola–to use in cleaning the rust off the car bumper and other tools. giving up soda is one of the easiest ways to take care of our bodies. and in my opinion, there are 1000 more delicious and satisfying ways to consume sugar.

  6. Anonymous says:

    When I was a little girl (many years ago) my mom would not allow us to drink coke. Her dad was a commercial painter and he used coke to clean up his paint cans!!! I guess it would clean up your stomach too!

  7. Anonymous says:

    jack lalane is dead, he exersised every day and ate well and used vitamins and HE IS STILL DEAD !!! CAN I LINK THE FACT WITH HIS LIFE STILE…NO….

    1. Yes. Thanks for pointing out Jack Lalanne who died…AT 96 YEARS OLD! He died from pneumonia, something that could kill any man no matter how healthy.

  8. Anonymous says:

    As far as Jack LaLane it's not just how long you live but the quality of your life also, Mr LaLane seemed to be in remarkable health even into advanced age. If you do even a small amount of research you will realize how toxic Coke and similar products are for humans.

  9. One can drink too much water a day?i’ve never heard of that.

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