1. dogbite186 says:

    Thank you for putting a spotlight on this fraud. The points you raise above are also true of most other cancer foundations and funding efforts. I used to perform a yearly collection for the American Cancer Society until I started looking into the entire cancer funding industry. The reality is that if someone found the magic bullet to “cure” cancer, it would necessarily need to be covered up. The cancer research industry is simply too large to be allowed to die. We have created a monster. Several months ago Bill Sardi posted and excellent essay entitled “Do We Already Know How to Cure Cancer.” Its worth a read.


  2. Todd Burgess says:

    It is far beyond “kind of a joke”. One of the more disgusting scams out there.

  3. ok, now what good is it to any of us to read this!!! are we supposed to just do nothing if we have cancer?? so unless you give me an alternative, reading this just makes me very angry !!!!!!!!!!!

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