1. This article would be informative without your ridiculously biased anti-Affordable Health Care rant. As is typical in a biased rant, your information is incorrect. The Affordable Health Care Act has opened up the possibility of insurance coverage of Traditional Chinese Medicine. http://www.aaaomonline.org/?page=supremecourt
    Do a little bit of research next time.

    1. I agree, but I don’t think that will happen. The biased rants and bad writing will continue here. Too bad, because they have a pretty good thing going, otherwise.

    2. Lee and Mary; Are you two taking the same drugs? Is it possible that you can explain yourselves without ranting?

      1. Lee and Mary are trolls ignore them and take control of your own health care. Your life is literally in your hands, do your research, go and meet with doctors of all types of practices, including Chinese Medicine, Acupressure etc.

  2. Why didn’t you post my comment that corrected information you posted that wasn’t true. I work in the field!

  3. For starters, it’s the Affordable Care Act. You, as a journalist, should write accurately. While I admire your website and most of its contents, I also use a lot of alternative med methods. However, the ACA never could have passed, even with its warts and all, had not the allopaths, i.e., approved, along with Big Pharma. At least it’s a start. If the naturopaths, homeopaths, et al., had been included, we’d have nothing.

    1. Mary, apparently you know what it is, so what is the big deal? Now take a sip of your drink and go back to sleep.

  4. aphoenix444 says:

    For those who are desiring acupuncture, there is something called Community Supported Acupuncture or CSA that is a spreading movement to get acupuncture to people more affordably. I pay $15-$35 per session depending on their sliding scale. I highly recommend looking in to it if you need acupuncture treatments. Other professional Acupuncturists in town where I work charge between $50-$80 per visit.

  5. Obamacare won’t cover it, because it means a cure without drugs.
    Healthcare is all a facade, for it is not about your health concerns that matters, it is about the welfare of the giant food industry, drug sales, chemical/farm and medical industry’s to make money.
    A cure means the money stops coming in and that includes the multi-billion dollar yearly donation industry.

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