1. I had read this study, it was very eye opening to the long term effects of regular glutathione supplements. Glutathione is mostly destroyed in the GI tract, I suppose the small amount that is absorbed in tact is responsible for the increased cellular gsh levels. I believe the best ways to supplement it directly are through liposomal or better still Acetyl glutathione supplements. Because they protect the gsh molecule from damage during digestion you can take a much lower dose for similar results.

  2. In June 2012 Dr. Sircus wrote, “Glutathione, the most important antioxidant in the body, is that place where sulfur and selenium meet up to protect us from cancer. When we talk about sulfur pathways and sulfur sufficiency we are at the same time touching on glutathione because glutathione is a sulfur enzyme. A Japanese study showed that even low concentrations of DMSO (sulfur) had radio-protective effects through the facilitation of DNA double-strand break repair, providing protection against radiation damage at all cellular levels in the whole body. Boosting your body’s antioxidant levels is a key to surviving cancer.”
    DISCLAIMER: I distribute organic sulfur, which is one of the products that Dr. Sircus recommends for sulfur supplementation.

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