1. I love the whole idea.

  2. Known this for years. Glad science is catching up. The light body is the perfect mechanism for staying healthy. We all have the ability to self-heal, it’s a shame so many people have embraced a “modern medicine” that has convinced us to seek healing outside of ourselves for huge sums of money, when free healing is available to all, all the time. Do you go to the doctor when you cut your finger? No, you wait a few days and let the body heal it. Why would it be any different for any other body part or organ? Human bodies can get their energy body messed up, which can cause disease, but we also have the ability to balance and correct it. You just have to believe in yourself. Obviously this does not apply for trauma, which is really the only aspect of modern medicine that actually works well.

  3. Richard Kincade says:

    The Creator is seen in everything and everywhere. Yet though we can see Him if we choose to, many never will because they sew with their lying eyes and refuse to see Him with their minds. Religion failed miserably to find Him because religion binds the collective mind of mankind through rituals and silly superstitions. Science, at least the natural sciences, will prove His presence within man even in those who refuse to accept that He has given us the opportunity to see Him face to face (meaning of Penuel in Hebrew) if we would also die to our pathetic materialism and foolish lying emotional. If we would take the gift of grace offered by our Creator and do this, He would wake us up by sitting in our pineal gland which is named after Penuel, the place where Jacob had his “ladder dream” connecting him to the Creator.

  4. I am sorry, this is total nonsense Dr. Garjajev’s ideas about “junk” DNA are more than 4 decades old, and 35 papers published last year have put the nail in the coffin of this idea. All the DNA encodes for important information, for non-coding DNAs that play important roles in development and disease. Furthermore, all of his “experiments” were performed with pure DNA, which does not exist in cells, where it is associated with a complex of proteins, resulting in chromatin. The “light” or “biophotons” are just random energies given off in many biochemical reactions in cells and tissue, which is chaotichttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chromatin

  5. Jacob King says:

    It’s interesting to see when science proves what many spiritual teachers have always taught.

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