New ‘Monsanto Protection Act’ Gives Monsanto Power over US Government

With the latest ‘Monsanto Protection Act‘ managing to sneak wording into the latest Senate legislation, Monsanto will essentially be given blanket immunity from any USDA action regarding the potential dangers of their genetically modified creations while under review. The legislative inclusions implemented by lobbyists put Monsanto above the federal government.
There truly is no rest for the wicked, and Monsanto is at war once again against health conscious consumers.
It’s a legislative weapon that could be passed as early as next week if we don’t gather enough support to force our Senators to eliminate the section.
It all started in the late hours of Monday night, when lobbyists working for the Monsanto-fronted biotechnology industry managed to slide a ‘rider’ (through the deceptively worded Farmer Assurance Provision, Sec. 735) into the Senate Continuing Resolution spending bill that is currently on the table of the Senate.
A massive petition to stop what has been labeled as the ‘Monsanto Protection Act’ has been launched by Food Democracy Now, detailing what could come if the legislation is signed into law within the coming days or weeks:
If approved, the Monsanto Protection Act would force the USDA to allow continued planting of any GMO crop under court review, essentially giving backdoor approval for any new genetically engineered crops that could be potentially harmful to human health or the environment.
The Monsanto Protection Act would strip judges of their constitutional mandate to protect consumer rights and the environment, while opening up the floodgates for the planting of new untested genetically engineered crops.”
Monsanto Protection Act Trumps US Government
Federal courts would be powerless to regulate the sale and even cultivation of illegal and dangerous GMO crops, succumbing instead to the power of the biotech industry and Monsanto. The same threat we faced last summer during the initial emergence of this act. During that time, we saw major groups assemble against the act, from national farm institutions to food safety titans.
The Center for Food Safety, the National Family Farm Coalition, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), the Sierra Club, and the Union of Concerned Scientists all came together to speak out against the incognito bombshell slipped into the 2012 Farm Bill and the 2013 Agriculture Appropriations Bill.
And now Monsanto is back at it.
Thus, it is imperative that we peacefully kick Monsanto out of the Senate and back into the alleyways of Washington D.C., and let it be known that any politician who sides with Big Biotech will not be staying in the Senate for much longer.
Update: Senate Passes Monsanto Protection Act Despite Outcry
The Monsanto Protection Act buried deep within the budget resolution has passed the Senate, and now nothing short of a presidential veto will put an end to the ruling.
Sadly, the Senate acted so quickly on this and almost entirely ignored the issue despite thousands of people signing the petition previously linked in this article.
(Note: Petitions have been unlinked due to expiration.)
Shows you what the Gov't reps think of the american people over the corporations it is time to put spending and contribution blocks in place for reelection funding it is the only way to stop the lobbyists from controlling tour so called representatives in gov't…
frankenfood is annestnatising into frankengovernment….the green complexion is a mutating mold
I wonder where they,Gov't reps, get their food.
Real good question.
They buy organic.. generally.
I just don’t understand how anyone can think this is ok… It’s just very sad. 🙁
you will understand when you know not to eat any of it and those that do eat it are the poor and black and you do not eat poor people food ever and there are way to many poor on the planet any way
While the article talks about this happening w/ a Senate bill, and that we need to contact our Senators, the petition is directed to a House bill, and the petition targets our Representatives. Which is it? It's important to contact the right folks since this is happening now. Please get the details right.
Just did some digging at the Food Democracy Now site and found the appropriate link to contact your Senator. Unfortunately, the link posted in this article was an old one targeting our Representatives last year. Here is the current link so you can write your Senators:…
What else has to be revealed before People will wake up ?
What new evil must be visited upon them that they will see ?
How many genetic mutations are they willing to consume ?
Is there a limit , Is there a line in the sand somewhere, anywhere ?
Is the Federal Government beyond reproach, do they have edict ?
Do our lives belong to us, or are we a human resource to be re-packaged or, even re-made ?
If so, In who's image ? Monsanto's ?
If you answered these questions honestly you will be very afraid for t he Future.
And that leaves just one question…..What are we going to do about it ?
This is just more proof on WHO actually writes the laws in this country!
Qui Bono???
What’s really tragic, “Free?”, is that MONSANTO had the gall to tell everyone that their products were “safe” because THEY said so, but no need in actually having their products evaluated nor tested for safety and efficacy! This WAS stated on their own corporate website, that is – until they quietly removed that page.
Par for the course while we have “government” telling everyone that Mercury and Melamine is safe for children, while NOT so for our animals?!? Gee! Nice to know the human body is soooo terrific a machine that it can out-last anything that is toxic or deadly to everything else?!?!?
Why is Monsanto running this country?!
well what do you expect when from those that brought you agent orange now sprays your food ….
country's around the world are banning gmo food yet the 1's in power with shares in these gmo company's are saying yea its safe, sure that was what they said about agent orange and that was a lie as was proved..
but as above regarding mercury , they say mmr is safe yet 2 courtsin 2012 , 1in italy and 1 in usa ruled the mmr caused autism in 2 boys ….
if they say safe.. then use your own judgement 😉
I hate much so that I call them SoNotMan. However, I had to search hard and fast to find the full text of this bill which I believe isH.R. 933: Department of Defense, Military Construction and Veterans Affairs, and Full-Year Continuing Appropriations Act, 2013.… I cannot find section 735. The text on govtrack is the latest wording of the bill. If this is the bill, please tell me where the section on Farmer Assurance is and if it is not the bill, please let me know what is. I am pretty sure it is the one that is about to go to Senate debate and which they want to rush through because they are saying the government will close down if they do not!
Look here for an explanation of the amendment (pro), and the rider (con): :… and here:… for the amendment, and finally…here for the amendment details:…
mon- say- it- not-so will tell you anything to se how many people will believe it.
This can not be allowed to happen…We can change this. VOTE, And Vote with your money. Boycott all monsanto products,There main cashcow is Round-up.
Actually, the patent ran out on Roundup in 2000. The money comes from "roundup ready" seeds which are slowly losing their patents. This means that just like roundup, there will be many more generic options for farmers to purchase.
It also means that Monsanto will be coming up with new cash cows. What they will be is only as terrifying as your worst nightmare. Since my nightmares can be quite horrifying, I am scared to think about it.
Monsanto is making us "Moan tons"!
That’s the problem with the system, they let the industries write their own laws.
Progressing towards disaster ! Not long now 🙁
you have to limit their supply of unsuspecting individuals
Simple: Obama and 535 elected officials in Congress were already bought by corporatism. 100 biggest economies in the world, America being the largest, 51 of them are corporations not even countries…
Government as we know in our head is not the government. They are basically the preacher. Real power that to be are giant monopoly corporations like Monsanto, Arthur Daniels Midland, Haliburton, GE, Goldman Sachs. Those are the true ruler of this country and President Obama has no say about direction of the future economy…
Just the fact that the government would even consider such a law shows that they need to be replaced..
Is that the sign of our times ??? The model, american demokracy was simply sold for a huge money…
The rights of single citizen are worthless when on the second scale is the interest of global cocncern
like MONSANTO is… Everything's for sale ?! Even the people's health and live?
Fight for your future Americans !
Sincerely – Lucas (PL)
We need the people to stick together to boycott all GMO foods, pesticides and herbicides. Many refuse to believe that in the long run it will cost them less. Apathy reigns supreme amongst average folk. Almost everyone I speak with about this and other similar things going on with their food, clothing, microwaves, plastic, etc., meets with some type of resistance. I can’t afford organic, but they don’t even want to hear that everything doesn’t need to be organic. I don’t have the time for this, when all it takes is rethinking how you shop which could be done on your commute. It’s a lie, the government wouldn’t let that happen…yeah, right. I am on the verge of giving up on people, yes, that includes my children, too. If anyone wants to listen, I’ll gladly talk and give out papers, but I am tired too of the resistance, especially when people say, Ahh, we’re all going to die anyway!! Cheers!
Don't you know Monsanto are Scientist and are much smarter than us common foke, they need to be protected from anyone questioning what their superior knowledge has confirmed, how dare you question them. It's just like the drug companies, everyone knows there has never been a drug released for use that years later showed to be bad for us.
Now shut up and finish your corn.
Even with all the other stuff that's going on this Monsanto crap scares me the most.
HR 933
Here's a link to a form and contact information about having the whole mess vetoed;…
Hope that helps!
Our sovereignty from corporate control is eroded more every day. This is no different than if a foreign country were to invade us. These multinationals have not patriotism to this or any other country. They are nations unto themselves with profit at any human or eco cost their anthem.
Conservatives Laugh As Liberals Attack President Over Non-Existent ‘Monsanto Protection Act’…
Why can't we just veto his butt right on out of there! And have them change a law that anyone who runs for the President Seat, 1 must be American 2. Must produce Birth Certificate 3. Follow our Constitution, the UNITED STATES way, or be able to get rid of them! He's not for us, he's for his country, and it wouldn't surprise me if he isn't planning on his country coming over here and taking total control of the United States, talk about terrorism!