Even ‘Natural’ Sodas with ‘Real Sugar’ Being Sold with GMO Sugar

It should come as no surprise that companies like Coca Cola, Pepsi, and others are putting GMO sugar in sodas, and then calling them natural. These companies are involved with the Grocery Manufacturer’s Association (the political front of biotech and food manufacturers that support GMOs). After all, they don’t even think you have the right to know what is in your food, so why should they label it as such – even if the word ‘natural’ is entirely misleading.
That’s exactly what companies like Pepsi Co are doing with the sale of ‘natural’ drinks like Sierra Mist that are full of sugar derived from GMO sugar beets.
Sadly, food manufacturers like Pepsi Co, are not required to state that the sugar or sucrose used to sweeten their products comes from GMO sources.
Currently, over 95% of sugar beets grown in the U.S. are genetically modified, thanks to Monsanto. This has happened in part due to the complete de-regulation of the industry by our most ‘trusted’ government agencies.
Perhaps you have assumed that all those products with ‘natural’ on the label are sweetened with non-GMO, organic cane sugar. They aren’t. Is this really an improvement over high fructose corn syrup? Pepsi-Co was already sued once from calling Naked Juice ‘all natural’ when it was anything but that; should we really believe that they wouldn’t play this same marketing trick with other products they sell?
Other suspect drinks are from Blue Sky made by Hansen’s, which say on their cans ‘made from real sugar,’ meaning they aren’t using high fructose corn syrup. But they are likely using GMO sugar beets to sweeten your favorite beverage.
There are other sodas that likely contain GMO sugar beets as well, along with a host of other foods sweetened with this toxic crop.
And GMO sugar beets are indeed toxic. The EPA continues to allow larger doses of glyphosate and other herbicides and pesticides to be sprayed on GMO sugar beets and other GMO crops as the biotech industry tries to snuff out age-old agricultural practices.
Do you really want to consume glyphosate? That’s essentially what is happening when you purchase foods from these manufacturers who aren’t sourcing their beets organically.
List of Companies Using GMO Sugar in Beverages
GMO Awareness.com lists the following sodas to eliminate if you want to be GMO-free, but realize there are other food manufacturers who also use GMO sugar beets, so this list is not exhaustive:
Coca Cola Company
- Coca Cola
- Sprite
- Cherry Coke
- Fanta Exotic
- Barq’s Root Beer
- Minute Maid Orange
- Minute Maid Grape
- Surge
- Ultra
Pepsi Co.
- Pepsi
- Slice
- Wild Cherry Pepsi
- Mug Root Beer
- Mountain Dew
- 7-Up
- Dr. Pepper
- A & W Root Beer
- Sunkist Orange
- Schweppes Ginger Ale
The best way to be GMO-free and high fructose corn syrup-free is just to omit soda and processed drinks/foods completely or at least buy organic (or actually natural) beverages from health food stores. You could even brew your soda at home using ginger and other plant roots that taste delicious.
Additional Sources:
GMO or not, sugar is toxic to the body. Watch “Sugar, The Bitter Truth” on U – Tube. GMO discussion is a moot point….Red herring.
Nothing wrong with GMO, prove that it is something wrong with GMO or stfu.
Plenty of evidence on the GMO poisons, it’s at people’s finger tips if you want to find it.
TO THE AUTHOR: This article says Sierra Mist is full of GMO beet sugar but yet, it is not listed under Pepsi. Why is that? Because this is the only soda I have been drinking and understand fully about “natural flavors” philosophy. Thanks for your reply in advance,.