1. Undecider says:

    Marshall beat me to the punch. GMO is weapon system. Nothing more, nothing less. There’s a reason why they try treat this with utmost secrecy.

  2. B000000000000000 says:

    People you need to pay attention. The gobbberment is dumbing you down so you will be the slaves they need to control the whole F88Kuing planet. SOROS, ADELSON look at where they have stashed all that money have stolen from you and are now using it too enslave you even further. They almost have complete control!!

  3. M Schultz says:

    You can never convince a person of something if their income depends on not believing it, hence GMO Robert. If you want to know the real reason GMOs were created, read SEEDS OF DESTRUCTION by F William Engdahl. The goal of the Genetic Engineers is to patent and therfore control all food. Kissinger said, control the food and you control the people. The plan is to ultimately use food or rather the lack of food as a weapon. Obey or you won’t get any food. Don’t believe me, read the book. The best thing you can do for yourself and the planet is to grow your own food. Start now, before Monsanto buys up all the sources of seeds of real foods.

  4. JOHN BISCIT says:

    Anti-GM sentiment, though, is not the only reason it has failed to
    benefit the poorest nations. From the commercial side, major crop
    development companies use genetic engineering primarily to improve large
    cash crops with the most potential for profits, such as corn, cotton, soy, and wheat with. Little investment is put into crops, such as cassava, sorghum, millet, etc.
    which are more relevant for cultivation in poor nations. The economic
    incentive to develop the sort of GM crops that would help small poor
    farmers in third world nations is small since the financial returns
    would be modest. Of course, anti-GM sentiment does nothing to ameliorate
    this bias.

    1. After the quake in Haiti there was that one spot the Haitians wouldn’t wouldn’t let the USAID ship land. They all thought they were there to kill them. There were a few other countries, but they knew USAID was an Al-CIA-duh front.

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