1. Oxycodone is a synthetic off shoot of Opium, and then codeine. Heroine is a synthetic offshoot of Morphine. The problem as I see it, is the drug laws. If you go to countries where all pharmaceutical drugs are over the counter, the problems we see in the USA, are non-existant. The biggest issue with opiates, stimulants, benzodiazepines, marijuana, and the rest of the street drugs is that the laws pave a pathway for vicious violent individuals to become rich and powerful. If all of the drugs were over the counter, the vicious violent drug trade would be non-existant. Yet, the DEA, the cops, and others are making so much money stealing from the drug dealers, that they do not want to stop it. the money is too good. Most countries, one can go to the drug store and purchase what ever it is one wants. In the west, you need to give some money to a doctor, for a prescription, then go to the drug store and give some money to the pharmacists, and on and on. The money is to good.
    The illegal drug trade has made the DEA, the cops, the ATF into violent evil individuals, as bad, if not worse than the drug dealers. The money is too good.
    LEGALIZE all drugs, give us some peace. Anyone that says that We Cannot Legalize drugs, that would be bad, that person is making money from the illegal drug trade.
    If all the street drugs and prescription drugs were made legal, in 12 months, the use of drugs would decrease by half if not more.

    1. A Voice In The Wilderness says:

      “Vicious, violent people do not vanish in a puff of smoke when drugs are legalized.”
      When alcohol prohibition was repealed that damn near wipe out organized crime. They turned to something that they found personally offensive: Illegal DRUGS.
      Want to destroy them completely? Repeal all drug laws.
      Your do gooder attitude is killing many people. How about you stop it. JUST STOP IT!! STOP THE WHOLE CULTURE OF CONTROLLING EVERYONE WHILE EXCUSING YOU OWN SINS!!!!
      What makes you any different from any other dictator in history?
      Soon you, like all other dictators, will be in the ash heap of history.
      May the Creator of all things bring that day soon.

      1. Thank you for saying that, as a person that cannot afford the doctors or the medical insurance I wish I could get my hands on medicine that I need, but it is too expensive and also If I go getting
        it “illegaly” I will end up in prison and will get it from a drug dealer inside prison where I become a problem to the tax payers. I am out here in public, I do not commit crimes, I can work and use my choice of drug to medicate myself I can contribute to society. The government is in my way of me being better, I cannot afford them. They are killing me. I wish I could by my medicine from the pharmacy without all the doctors wanting money from me. I don’t have it.

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