1. If I were a McDonald’s stock holder, franchise owner or employee, I would seek opportunities with company’s which offer Certified Organic foods. All fast food corporations like McDonald’s have a history of obscuring the negative effects of their foods on their customers in the name of corporate profits. This trend of boycotting these highly fraudulent corporations will only continue to rise, as more and more people awaken with illness and disease, that can only be resolved with detox and organic foods.

  2. Yeah the mcdonalds of the 60’s and 70’s were probably pretty healthy compared to today w/ all the chemical company’s having bought out all the farms and becoming behemouth corps owning most of the food supply, isn’t that a cozy little nest of vipers! Oh yes they are poisoning as many as possible!!!! its super irritating and is beyond the point of anger!!!!!! I think the pendulum is starting to swing the other way but i fear the damage may be to great to ever have truly chemical free food.

  3. The momentum against white flour and toward organics is here to stay. They will either get with the program or slowly go broke.

    1. Garr Godfrey says:

      well, no. Without a drastic reduction in the human population, organic farming cannot sustain life. It works for the elite, but the humans cannot be fed 100% organic food because it is a less efficient process. Healthier in some circumstances, sure, but given a choice between starvation and white flour, I think white flour wins.

  4. Admiral America says:

    I’m sure there are still a lot people, and businesses that would love to employ slave labor if it wasn’t for those pesky laws, and uppity citizens thinking they’re free. We know the government already thinks of us as slaves, and shows us the love through their income tax.

  5. hisrascal says:

    Okay, I understand that everyone who needs a job needs a job! But let’s think about this, “don’t work at McDonald’s” and just maybe McDonald’s will start paying top dollar for you to work there.

    1. FredFlintstone says:

      That will never happen. Why? Because of .gov regulations that stifle other businesses from even starting. McD’s has a quasi monopoly because they are so big and can influence laws and regs…plus, their are so many people who need to work can can’t find work, again due to .gov laws and regs that favor mega corps, that they MUST work somewhere. The labor front is supply and demand…and right now, the supply is great (and going to be greater with influx of more undocumented..aka illegal..aliens). Cheers.

  6. Garr Godfrey says:

    This article suggests that “equal protection under the law” is an antiquated concept, and subtly suggests employing it is racist. If you don’t support equal protection under the law, I pity what happens to you if it goes away.

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