1. anonymous says:

    And the start of Local initiatives on local ballots to refuse and BAN genetically engineered and GMO's planting of vegetables, crops and animals.
    Mendocino County in California did it. Santa Cruz in Washington state did it.
    Total refusal.

    1. It was the San Juans but yes, they did. Santa Cruz is Cali as well. But we are very proud of San Juan County and hope the rest of our Counties (and the nation for that matter) follow suit.

  2. great article Anthony thank you!

  3. Either mankind will stop Monsanto, or Monsanto will stop mankind

  4. Health101 says:

    Boycott Monsanto, good Youtube video thank you.

  5. I disagree with all of this.

  6. Brent Newton says:

    I'll see you guys in Austin, Texas

  7. I'll see you in L.A.! Every human being should be at a march unless you work,for Monsanto!

  8. John Chandler says:

    I will NOT be held up by seed companies who sell agent orange!!

  9. Daniel Beck says:

    Rick, go kick a can….

  10. hhgg nnjj says:

    Another Monsanto Protection Act?
    Stop the King Amendment!
    Today, Wednesday, May 15, the House Agriculture Committee will vote on a proposed Farm Bill amendment that would stomp all over state and local rights to enact laws governing food safety.
    If passed, the King Amendment, brainchild of Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa), will take away states’ rights to pass regulations governing the production or manufacture of any agricultural product, including food and animals raised for food, that is intended for sale in interstate commerce. The language in the King Amendment is ambiguous. But analysts believe that Monsanto will use the amendment as legal ammunition to challenge any future state laws mandating labels on GMO-tainted food.
    We need your help today to stop this amendment and preserve state and local laws governing food safety. I'm contacting you because your Member of Congress is on the House Agriculture Committee. Please contact your Representative today and urge him or her to vote against the King amendment.
    Your message will have even more impact if you follow it up with a call to the Capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121.
    Rep. King says his amendment is merely an effort to "reinforce the Commerce Clause," by asserting "that a state cannot deny the trade of an agricultural product from another state based on its means of production." But, who is he kidding? King's amendment isn't about protecting the Commerce Clause, it's about protecting industrial agriculture.
    We don’t need any more laws that protect industrial agriculture at the expense of our health, and the health of the environment.
    Please contact your Representative today. Thank you!
    Organic Consumers Association

  11. Anthony has probably never been involved in farming. Farmers are not ingnorant!
    There are many adavanges to GMO seeds. The seeds are altered to make them taste bad to bugs And work with th weed killers better. (simple explaination to the higher eduacted) The production is a subtle difference on the front side. But if the bugs destroy your crops or you have to spray them 2 or 3 times more the small production decrease pays for itself. As you may or maynot know no-til planting is the way of the future. It saves our field from being washed away. If not for GMO we would not be able to no til our crops. And yes you do sign a contract when you buy the seed that you will not replant the seed. Mon. profrits would be wiped out in one year if they did not so this. For years we always kept our soybean and wheat seed to replant. Corn seed has always been treated with insecticide (way before GMO) For record I have worked for Monsanto and hated them. But I also farm and can have a opend mind on both sides. Before you Rah Rah a internet kid that has good intentions but very little back groung, do your own research. It may just educate you enough to see the big picture a little different.

    1. Sounds like you still work for them and this being 1984, hate is really love. So you love Monsanto and are wasting your effort trying to convince those of us who are totally aware of the terrible effects of GMO’s that there is some benefit to the un-natural freaks that the satanists at monsanto are bombarding us with. I really hope that you feed yourself and your children these frankenfoods and you don’t just plant them for others.

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