1. Excellent news. I shop at Safeway, Trader Joe’s and at Fred Meyers, owned by Kroger. Soon, salmon will be back on my table. My local Fred Meyers is remodeling to make room for more organic food. Good on them!
    Really encouraging to see that consumers have power. Hope we support these stores by buying from them.

  2. mymydorothy says:

    Thank God for Kroger and Safeway to let choose to be poisoned or not. My God what is this world coming to. Crimes Against Humanity to slowly kill us are legal!

  3. Thank God! I am so happy! I pray C
    ostco gets on board!

  4. What independent tests have been conducted to prove that this same gene wouldn’t become part of our own biological makeup?
    If you’ve ever eaten Pacific Chinook salmon, you’ve already consumed the transgene being added to the Atlantic salmon (though not the Pout’s promoter). So what prevented the gene from becoming part of your biological makeup?
    Your stomach did. You digest DNA quite thoroughly. It gets broken down into constituent molecules and then re-assembled from scratch according to your inherited genes.
    It’s like crushing Lamborghini sports cars and making a minivan out of them. No matter the provenance of the metal, the minivan will never drive like a Lamborghini. You will never grow like an Atlantic salmon with Pacific salmon genes because that’s not how genetics works.
    Your cells have a nucleus that serves to protect DNA. That nuclear membrane only allows certain messenger RNAs through it. Not foreign DNA.
    From one perspective, it is very unfortunate that the DNA is so well protected because we could fix many genetic diseases if we had the ability to deliver DNA “patches” to fix faulty parts. But I wouldn’t wish away my nucleus even if I had a genetic disease, as it undoubtedly prevents more trouble over the long term than it causes.
    (And I’m familiar with the work of Zhang et al in Cell Research on microRNA that has twice now failed replication, see PMID: 23770773 and 23669076)

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