1. It just goes to show that we the consumers can control the food sold at the marketplace if we put our minds to it.
    Now we need to work on not importing farm raised fish and shrimp that is loaded with antibiotics due to the overcrowding, poor feed, that is causing poor health conditions. Overuse of antibiotics causes super bug strains that are incurable. 13,000 deaths in 2013 in the US alone.

  2. Eliot W. Collins says:

    Most Kellogg’s cereals are unnecessarily high in sodium. Even if they only contained non-GMO ingredients I still would not eat them. Although added salt is always non-GMO, it is still “poison”, as is organic (non-GMO) cane sugar.

    1. Cassandra says:

      Salt’s not a poison. It’s an essential electrolyte. There’s sodium in pretty much everything you eat. Without it, you would die.

      1. Eliot W. Collins says:

        There’s no added sodium in any food that I eat. I’ve never had an electrolyte imbalance. A concentrated salt solution will kill weeds just like Roundup®.

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