Strep Throat Treatment – How to Treat Strep Throat Naturally

Strep throat is a very common problem, driving countless individuals to see a doctor for antibiotic treatment. But as with virtually all other problems, no drugs are required for strep throat treatment. In fact, you may be able to use some simple and natural solutions for staving off and treating a case of strep. Unfortunately, not all of us know about these reported fixes, but here you can learn how to treat strep throat naturally.
First, it’s important to know the symptoms of strep throat. Here is a list of symptoms before moving forward:
- Sudden and intense sore throat
- Yellow and/or whiteness in the throat
- Pain and/or difficulty swallowing
- Swollen tonsils or lymph nodes in the neck or throat
- Fever over 101 degrees fahrenheit (38.3 celcius)
Strep Throat Treatment Gone Wrong
As mentioned, with strep throat (which is contagious) comes some rather painful and uncomfortable symptoms. Symptoms like a sever sore throat, difficulty swallowing, body aches, and a high fever are enough to ignite a doctor visit if you don’t know of any solutions. But here’s the problem: a sore throat isn’t always strep throat.
Unfortunately, the over-prescribing of antibiotics has been a huge issue for years. When antibiotics are over-prescribed and not taken properly, we start to see a surge in antibiotic-resistant bacteria which can no longer be taken out by antibiotics.
One example of this can be seen when individuals go to a doctor with a sore throat, only to be given antibiotics to mend the issue – just in case it’s strep. But what we’ve found is that these sore throat cases are often not strep throat. The result? Over-prescribing.
The heavy use of antibiotics, which are always prescribed to treat strep throat, are found to be perpetuating illnesses impossible to treat.
If you want to know how you might be able to treat strep throat naturally, begin implementing and experimenting with the following solutions.
Potential Solutions for Strep Throat – How to Treat Strep Throat Naturally
- Apple Cider Vinegar – Perhaps the most effective method for strep throat treatment and known to help the body recover from countless conditions, apple cider vinegar really is an amazing liquid that could rid you of throat problems. Adding on to the many benefits of apple cider vinegar, you can help treat strep simply by gargling with the liquid after it has been diluted in a glass of warm water.The amount of ACV used may vary from person to person, but using 1-3 teaspoons in 8oz of water may be enough. You could always use a different amount, such as 1/4 cup of ACV in 16oz of water. This solution could work in as little as 30 minutes, but don’t be worried if it takes a bit longer. If you enjoy or can handle the taste, try mixing it with some water and sipping it throughout the day. Use raw organic apple cider vinegar with “the mother” for optimal results.
- Vitamin C – Although vitamin C is widely known to cure scurvy, the vitamin can be taken to help combat viruses, stress, and promote health overall. Taking 1,000mg of quality vitamin C 3 times daily can produce amazing results, especially when combined with other solutions for treating strep throat.
- Cayenne Pepper – Next to apple cider vinegar, cayenne is also one of the most revered natural remedies for strep and sore throat. Try taking some cayenne and mixing it in a small amount of water, or simply utilize the powder on its own. Then dip a Q-tip or some other usable brush into the solution and dab it on the back of your throat. You could also make a paste out of raw organic honey and cayenne pepper by mixing about 1/2 teaspoon of cayenne pepper with the honey, and then rub the paste on the back of your throat – the health benefits of honey are also incredible. Alternatively, you could use fresh lemon juice for the mixture instead of warm water or honey.
The best part about the above options for strep throat treatment is that they also boost overall health – quite the opposite of pharmaceutical drugs. Now that you know how to treat strep throat naturally, you can start bringing natural solutions into your life. Please share your experiences with others, and what has worked and hasn’t worked for you.
If you decide to try these home remedies and nothing seems to be working, please do not hesitate to see your doctor for a antibiotic prescription – antibiotics are the first line of treatment for strep, and it works.
Important Note: This information is for educational purposes, and is not meant to replace advice from a doctor. While many people may want to try different home remedies and natural solutions before turning to conventional medicine, strep throat can become serious, and we still do recommend that you seek professional medical attention.
Additional Sources:
But if you have severe allergies to antibiotics you have to use alternative remedies. Antibiotics can cause bacteria to form biofilm forts for protection. When the coast is clear, the bacteria are back with a vengeance and folks just keep taking more and more antibiotics creating tougher bugs.
What ever cure you use you need to throw out your toothbrush, use a new cheap one while taking your cure, and when your throat feels better throw out that toothbrush and get another new one. The germs live on your toothbrush and if you do not change it when you are done with medication your strep will come back. I found this out the hard way many years ago with 4 rounds of strep before someone told me to use a new toothbrush..
the toothbrush!!! ahhhh I can feel strep coming back for third time and although there are other factors at play, I can't believe I didn't think about that sick germy toothbrush I've used all along even when having strep and after… DUH!!! Thanks for that!!
great point. my dr. just confirmed me with strep today and she mentioned that
Yep, that just happened to me too! I just threw out my toothbrush yesterday, but my strep is already coming back strong. I have been taking Zinc, Vitamin C, 500PPI Collodial Silver and just drank my water with ACV. I feel a bit better. Hopefully it won't be a long night.
Soak your toothbrushes in peroxide! It will totally clear the germs!
Everyday without fail, I take one tablespoon of Braggs unfiltered vinegar, first thing in the morning, and a sprinkle of organic cyanne pepper, a tiny bit of not processed honey. I also take at least 500 mg of vitamin C a day and if someone around me is sick, I double up on C. I take Elderberry syrup, every morning as well. That is the start of the day. Now to make your life a lot healthier, incorporate anti- inflammatory foods and herbs. Get serious about consuming garlic, I use a lot in my cooking.
Start now, and you will be completely shocked as to how well you will feel. I've weathered grandaughters being sick this winter, and this has been by far my most healthy winter I've ever had. I was determined to get the " cocktail " right this winter. In the past I picked up whatever the girls came home from school.
Work up on Tuesday with a horrible pain in my throat and swollen glands. I didn’t want to go to the doctors ad I am a firm believer that the body heals itself but you have to treat it and nourish it properly. Since I did not go to the doctors I decided to Google natural remedies to cure strep throat…which I came to this website and I am glad I did. I immediately started to garglr acv diluted with water. I can’t tell you the instant relief I had from my sore throat. It was amazing. I took 2000 grams of vitamin c once in the morning after I gargled a few times and also sipped on dilutede acv throughout the day and about 2 days later my symptoms were almost gone 95% gone! I couldn’t believe it. I am so greatful that I found this site. I will utilize the recommendations for natural remedies this site has to offer more and more.
I'm 23 and my entire life, if i got seriously sick, I'd go see the doctor and take antibiotics. I've gotten strep throat several times in my life. Well I just got it 7 days ago again. I don't have health insurance so didn't want to pay to see a doctor and then buy the antibiotics.
So I looked for a natural approach to curing it. I searched and found multiple remedies, but less than a handful seemed widely popular.
What I used: oil of oregano, silvercillin, acv, cayenne pepper, garlic and some herbal teas.
However, what I believed really did the trick and took the strep out was the oil of oregano with the silvercillin in 2nd place.
Last Sunday morning I felt a sore throat coming on, but it was nothing big then. The next day I wokeup and had a nasty sore throat and felt like crap, very sluggish. So I drank hot herbal teas as well as crushed up garlic and acv. It helped, but not by much. The next day (tuesday) I wokeup with an even nastier sore throat. Now I had a fever and really felt like crap. I looked at the back of my throat and saw a couple white/ yellow spots in the back. I knew I had strep. I went out to a natural health store and was recommended to try Silvercillin. I bought it and sprayed in 6-8 times about 4-6 times/ day.
I wakeup the next day (Wednesday) and my throat is terrible. The night before I could hardly sleep because the pain of swallowing. I was getting tempted to just say F it and see a doctor because of the pain. My tonsils were HUGE, had a fever and everything ached. I researched oil of oregano and bought some. I use 2 doses at 5 drops before going to sleep.
Thursday, still the same pain, same terrible throat, huge tonsils, fever and felt like the walking dead. Half of me wants to go to the doctor really bad, the other half tells me to wait it out a day or 2 more. So I take about 4 does of oregano at 6 drops each time throughout the day. I use the silvercillin about 4-5 doses also. The oregano does help soothe your throat a bit instantly.
Friday, feeling much better, but still minor sore throat, still huge tonsils…but no fever and less body aches. I continue thursdays regimen and keep drinking herbal teas.
Saturday and I'm feeling pretty dang good. About 80% of my sore throat is gone, no more body aches and I'm feeling a bit more energized, a bit more like my normal self. I continue the same regimen of oregano/ silvercillin.
Today, no sore throat at all, no body aches at all, and I'm feeling about 95% back to normal. My tonsils are at about 90% and almost back to normal. I only take 2 doses of oregano and 2 of silvercillin.
So I can finally say… I beat strep throat naturally! All of the haters out there against natural remedies and have the "take the antibiotics or your dead" belief, you are wrong! Yes you will have to take some pain. I was in excruciating pain Monday night through Thursday..everytime I swallowed I would have to pinch myself or something to distract me from the pain. But just take the oil of oregano and silvercillin, drink your herbal teas and eat your chicken noodle soup. It works!
Sorry for the longgggg post, but when i was in serious pain this is all i wanted to read. Exact remedies to take and to know exactly what to do and someone who had great results.
Good luck to you!
thanks for the info. glad to hear it worked for you!
I have strep now, and have had it for almost two months. I took two courses of antibiotics, and thought it was cured. A month later, it's back. I am now on my second course of antibiotics, and it's not going away. I'm not getting better. My doctor says they have been seeing more cases of strep that seem to be resistant to antibiotics!
I will try all these remedies and hope something works! For those of you who say antibiotics are the only cure, I have bad news for you: they aren't working any more!
I researched a natural cure for strep and found a site that had several treatment options, including ACV, garlic, honey, tumeric, cayenne pepper, echinachea tea, etc. I chose the honey, garlic and cayenne paste, and ate it several times a day. My strep came on as a sore throat, no big deal, and then blew up overnight Friday a couple of weeks ago. Since it was the weekend, and since I don’t have insurance, I wanted to wait until Monday to go to urgent care. Then I started looking for a way to treat myself. Guess what? It worked. It seemed like the infection was gone – no more pain, no more spots. Here is the lesson; don’t stop taking your chosen remedy. I stopped after about 4 days, and it has now come back. However, it obviously works, because I had it on the ropes when I thought it was cured. Think about it – for how long do they tell you to take antibiotics? Right, 10 days. So why would I assume that a natural cure could eradicate the bacteria in less than half the time? Whatever you choose, take it for 10 days.
Actually, most of these items are NOT just treating symptoms; for example, raw honey is an antibiotic (kills bacteria). Most of these things assist the body’s own immune system in fighting off the disease, which is what the immune system is all about. Common strep is not a flesh-eating bacteria. No one actually dies from fever alone. Fever means your body is fighting infection, as uncomfortable as that may be. I’m guessing most people posting on here have done more study on biology and remedies than you have, Alex.
True infection with the Strep bacteria should be treated with antibiotics. This prevents possible sequelae, the most serious being damage to the heart. A simple sore throat is fine to treat with homeopathic remedies, but suggesting a treatment that could lead to permanent heart damage is irresponsible at best.
True strep is much more rare than sore throats which can vary in severity. The idea of letting your body do the fighting is currently supported by many medically informed practices. Typically the body is actually strengthened when it faces these naturally occurring confrontations. But 1st and foremost, healthstudent (below comment) is correct. Strep is dangerous. When symptoms or incidence of real strep in a localized area arise, it needs to be cultured to be sure. True strep can go asymptomatic. It is the height of folly to second guess it because consequences can be permanent. People used to routinely die from strep in the era prior to antibiotics. Rheumatic fevers can actually contort the heart’s position. Complications later in life are assured even when one survives. Gum disease and lost teeth are only some of the more common results of strep infections that are left untreated. Homeopathic and alternative treatments do not guarantee anything when it comes to strep, and masking symptoms is a dangerous path. The fact is that treating strep as soon as possible will reduce potential complications, and any other course is dangerous. Once again this does not apply to standard sore throats that often run there course for the normal person and will respond nicely to a throat gargle astringent of any kind. One point is to avoid sugars that not only feeds bacteria but has a tendency to enlarge the glands as a result. This is especially true at night before bedtime. The one question we generally ask in our family is…do you know of anyone around your circle of friends that are sick, and were they diagnosed? Strep in schools and around holidays is more prevalent. By all means treat your sore throats at home and with educated common sense. But if you suspect strep is a real threat it should be swabbed and cultured. Confirm it and be sure…otherwise stay away. It would be nice if Home kits were available, but that is where the money trail starts!
Male 56 y/o: Our family has always used a warm salt water gargle (made with table salt) for treating a sore throat. This usually clears up sore throat symptoms in 1-3 days, sometimes over night. Also when sinus infection is present, you can snort warm salt water with an eye dropper. Be sure to drink plenty of purified/filtered water!
Oreganol p73 worked magic on the throat and some sinus infections. ACV is nice, so are silverbiotics, but Oreganol is the best.
Agreed! Antibiotics DON’T ALWAYS WORK. They didn’t work for my daughter and now we are looking for an alternative. I know oregano oil works on many infections from experience.
I have had good results with oregano oil too, but it’s really hot and unpleasant to the taste! It’s not too bad in capsules, but the liquid is good only for the most stout hearted!
Or you could buy a stick blender or any good blender and just learn how to make healthy smoothies. Nutribullet (to people who actually eat healthy and know about food) is like buying that silly little machine to make baby food when the best baby food is made from a hand cranked food mill. I say keep it simple and learn about high end smoothie bases you can add different ingredients to each time you mix one up. The recipe base we use is mostly hemp protein powder, and raw cacao with some vanilla powder, stevia and true cinnamon (not the “cinnamon” we get in this country which is actually a plant called cassia). That’s the base and then we make the smoothie different each time. Sometimes it has almond butter and greens in it, sometimes yogurt and/or avocado, sometimes banana, sometimes berries…the possibilities are endless but starting with a nutribullet and “following” recipes will teach you nothing about actually eating healthy. Well, saying it teaches you nothing is going a littler far, but c’mon–recipes? Make your own!
A juicer is the better choice. Making vegetable juices at least two times a day, extracts the nutrients rather than pulverizes them from more raw superfoods other than fruit which is quickly absorbed by the body and hots the cells faster because of the way the nutrients are broken down.
The only thing that strikes me about your experience is that, from what I can read most places, strep throat normally will run its course in 3 – 7 days untreated. When you say your experience progressively got worse until after midweek then started to get better until you felt much better once a full week had passed leads me to wonder if anything you did really had an overall effect on your recovery. You did mention that the oil of oregano helps soothe your throat, which is good… but I’m not sure I’d go to the conclusion that it or the other things helped you recover any faster than your body just gradually fighting it off.
As with anything, moderation is definitely the key. For something as serious as strep, which I am getting over now, I will take a short round of antibiotics like a Z-pack, and of course add to that some good common sense natural remedies and practices as well. My favorite (because I get nosebleeds so easily) is to make a tea with cayenne–a big coffee mug of water with about an eighth of a teaspoon up to 4 times a day. In between, I hydrate with herbal tea with local honey and maybe some lemon. Also, dealing with your toothbrush is seriously important, simple, and cheap. I try to always have a clean one or two in a drawer for travel and sickness.
I eat crushed garlic when I have strep. it always works. I did it the first time because I didnt have insurance. But you cant do it just once to work. you have to take it every day 2 times like you take antibiotics. My sore throat always goes away within 48 hours.
If you dont like garlic you can do it this way: you cut up a clove with a plastic knife. not metal. you put it in a glass cup and pour a little boiling water over it. let it sit for 5 minutes and you take 3 spoons of the water. you take a spoon of the water every few hours whenever you remember. you do it every day. the sore thaot will feel better by 24 hours. and will be gone by 48 hours.
Raw garlic works 100%.