GMO OMG: Is This the End of Real Food?

A groundbreaking documentary film is coming your way. It isn’t a film that you would likely see from the Hollywood mill. It explains why 85% of all corn grown in the US is genetically modified, while vast sections of the population still don’t even know what a genetically modified organism is. GMO, OMG should be required viewing by every American citizen.
The film has won awards at the Yale Environmental Film Festival and the Berkshire and Berlin International Film Festivals, but most of the Monsanto-controlled press will try its hardest to make sure you don’t hear about it.
Much like the industry-shattering The World According to Monsanto, the film exposes the questionable dealings of the makers of Agent Orange, the monopolies instituted by seed makers, and the alarming political and legal tactics that the biotech industry have used to practically eradicate real food. The small-scale, organic farmer could soon be like the dinosaur if the world doesn’t wake up, and this film does a great service to that end.
Some politicians have been aligning themselves with the anti-GMO movement and providing free screenings of the film, but more politicians have been on the receiving end of Monsanto’s bribery money, or simply were awarded high-paying jobs in both government and biotech companies. You can find an extensive list of politicians paid off by Monsanto, provided by Anthony Gucciardi, here. These are both Republicans and Democrats – Monsanto has purchased both sides.
The four largest crops planted in the US are GMO. Soybeans, corn, rape seed, and cotton have been utterly corrupted by the Big Ag industry. About 70 percent of processed foods you find in the grocery store contain GMO. An entire generation of Americans is being fed on fake, cancer-causing food.
Thanks to biotech seed monopolies, illegal funding, and immoral legal practices, we might just be witnessing the end of real food. Be sure to catch GMO, OMG in your city, and find out what you can do to kill biotech GMOs like a cancerous tumor.
Timmons is just another propagandist shill. We all know the truth but carry on…
Google this:
Twenty-Six Countries Ban GMOs—Why Won’t the US?
Walden Bello and Foreign Policy In Focus on October 29, 2013 – 11:59 AM ET
Could it be because “Bob Timmons” and the entire GMO cabal infesting our federal and state governments know better than all those countries that have banned mutated food products? That’s your cue “Bob”: get on the horn and educate the leaders of those countries about what they’re missing.
You assume average people can understand what is going on. Since these are all majority supported positions, it would behoove us not assume a lot of people incapable of understanding are taking positions on subjects they shouldn’t even be taking positions on.
I question whether the author of this article did their homework. China is a very large importer of GMO corn and soybeans from the US and Brazil. Their scientist are working overtime on GMO technology. France and most of the other countries listed bans the growing but not the importing. In all these countries the regulators are not banning for scientific reasons but because of ideological and political reasons. You would be hard pressed to find any official agency from any country saying that GMO’s are harmful. If you talk to farmers in the countries that ban growing GMO’s you will find they are very frustrated that they are not able to plant them because they see the obvious advantage of using them for their benefit.
Russia is completely GMO free:
You are not at all up to date on China. They recently banned GMO foods in any food given to their soldiers and also refused the importation of massive quantities of GMO corn because of safety concerns.
I’m not sure were you are pulling this idea that, the dozens of countries banning gmo farming or banning them outright, are not doing so because of safety issues because that us exactly why they are.
The farmers around the world are also not upset that they can’t plant gmo’s. They are happy to not deal with the super bug and weeds do to them adopting to the synthetic herbicides/ pesticides needed. They are also glad to be out of the financial slavery of Monsanto . I’m sure Indian cotton farmers would love to have there politicians do what’s right and ban gmo’s. The thousands of farmers that committed suicide in India because of Monsanto’s practices would still be alive.
There are certain traits that have not been approved but eventually they will be. China doesn’t start the process until the US approves a trait for market. Here’s a recent article about China.
It isn’t like most of Chinese are living is straw huts or anything like that.
I am a farmer from Kansas. Many seem to think that I’m forced to use GMO seed. Not True. I use the seed because they are good for my farm. The benefits are in productivity, land use and environmental. I suggest that you visit some family farms and see what the real situation is. I don’t have anything against growing organics. It works if you are close to metropolitan areas where there are enough well off consumers to maintain a high price for the produce. Most of us are several hours from anywhere. What do you say to the not so well off. How can you say to people who are struggling to get by “don’t eat that cheap stuff because it may be harmful”. They don’t have that luxury. Give me one credible scientific study that shows GMO are harmful and I’ll check it out.
Non GMO seed has been proven to outperform GMO crops and reduce the need for massive amounts of weed killers
And this restates the cancer link in the rat study Monsanto spent millions to discredit
Mary, do you really believe the 2 million farmers in the US would be using something that would be a detriment to our farming operations. Do you think all the farmers are stupid. We use GMO because they have benefits to us. There are many things that determine yield increase of which GMO is just one. Some traits have nothing to do with yield others do. Your cancer link is a biased link. I prefer to get my info from independent sources. Here is one such link which is a face book page where independent scientist talk about different research claims articles and studies. This is unique in that if someone make a claim they must back it up with evidence.
I doubt you’re a farmer but couldn’t care less because contrary to your simple-minded tactic, the label has NO effect on your credibility. What does affect credibility is the content and meaning of what you say “Bob”. Every study I’ve seen points out and illustrates that there are no benefits whatsoever from the EXPERIMENTAL propagation of mutated plants, only harm. “Family farms” are precisely what are being wiped out by out-of-control genetic drift, lawsuits and chemical runoff-contamination. “Organic” means free of xenobiotic chemicals, chemicals that are foreign to the human body and that through INTERACTION with other xenobiotics and BIOACCUMULATION in the body are INEVITABLY disease- and steriity-producing. Only a dumb, or very low information, person would call organic food a “luxury”. Is that the audience you’re pandering to “Bob”? Hoping there’s still enough of them to slow down the rapidly growing awareness of this giant scam? No one thinks breathing clean air and drinking pure water should be luxuries. Same for food “Bob”. There are thousands of damning studies and you are well aware of them. You are a troll. Even so, I wouldn’t give you more than 2 or 2 1/2 stars for trollability at this point. If you’re actually also some sort of farmer your comments are an effective recommendation to not listen to farmers on this issue.
I only ask you name one so I can do some research. By the way organics use a lot more pesticide then we do and many of them are more toxic. But they are not tested for toxicity because the are “natural”. I’ve been using GMO’s for 25 years now and nowhere have I found any sterilized soil or have I heard any other farmer that has had that problem. I have not heard of any studies that have stood up to the world wide scientific standards. So name one and I’ll do the research.
If organic farms use far more pesticides, why did the government just give the university of Washington a research grant to study how organic farms get rid of crop killing bugs naturally without the use of chemicals?
Homeopathy is for sure the way to go. I’m glad to see countries like Panama getting this info out on television.
For retards that are not actually sick
Pesticides that organics use are less effective so they must sprayer several times. Several of the pesticides used by organic growers are very toxic even though they are “natural”. Here an article that explains.
Pyrethrins, Rotnone, Azadirachtin….
Those are a few “organic” pesticides. The Rotenone is actually more toxic than many “synthetic” pesticides but breaks down rapidly in sunlight (will cause toxicity is sprayed on lets say fruit after harvest)..
So, would you be willing to actually visit a farm and experience what happens on a farm? Willing to sit down and talk about your fears and allow the family to explain and show you how and why they use the products they use? Would you be willing to discuss with independent scientist and researchers about your skepticism of science and let them explain what the findings of different studies conclude and why? Communication between people of differing views to get an understand of where the other is coming is important. That doesn’t mean they have to agree but it would lower the anxiety level. Could be a new friend would be found. Have a good day.
Look. They need to run the farm or STFU
So you are a successful farmer then?
There are many (often censored by the cartel). Do your own research and you will find them – thats what the internet is for (as well as for exposing the Pathocracies activities against we, the people). Don’t be lazy. Why should we do it for you – if you are genuine which I doubt.
The American academy if environmental medicine has wrote in length on the subject. They have not come to the conclusion that you claim all scientist have. They site dozens of studies from independent scientist that also have come up with the exact opposite conclusion you are claiming. In fact, the only studies I have found that say gmo’s are safe are studies conducted directly by industry scientist or studies funded by the industry. All the independent studies show them to be very harmful, nutritionally void and produce less yield than their organic counterpart.
I’d invite you to join the face book group called GMO Skepti-forum. They talk about all the information that you apparently buy into. These are scientist the explain why most of the information on the internet is wrong. If someone makes a comment they are required to back it up by scientific evidence. Also here is an article by an independent researcher from Australia.
He is welcome to bring better products to market rather than forcing others that he doesn’t like off of the market.
I seriously doubt he would hate “big business” if he was it. Its more like penis envy than anything else
hey it me hannahbrightman why won’t gmo omg why how are eat food us or family and friends