1. Undecider says:

    They will make every effort to keep the secret biological & chemical weapons program being carried out through the food supply ongoing. Secret in terms of not wanting you to know the full scope of the dangers and proliferation in the market.

  2. celiayounger says:

    the only way we will win against Monsanto and the others … are spreading the voice advertising and other ways including a massssive emails/face book/twitter etc…

  3. Wakeup World says:

    Monsanto and these scientists should be ashamed of themselves. They’re killing the planet, mankind and animals and when this all dies then what. These companies don’t care- the gov’t doesn’t care. It’s called greed ??????? Shame on all of you.

    1. Thomas Anthony says:

      Monsanto has been poisoning the population since 1901. A pharmaceutical person started the company (that tells you all you need to know right there) and started making saccahrine. They also produced DDT and agent orange and yet we are supposed to believe that GMOs are safe. Get real, Monsanto. I wish that company would hit bankruptcy status.

  4. Yeah, got his money first. Pfft to these fence jumpers.

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