1. Crystal Layne Myrick says:


  2. whatsupwithmeandstuff says:

    Why is nothing being done, Paula Deen..sparked a frenzy of people very upset….Why can't we be that upset about this.

  3. The senators did not betray anyone at all. They did you a favor by not voting on this bill.
    Has anyone realized by now that 'labeling' laws' and people are actually in alliance WITH Monsanto, not against?
    The 'Prop 37 labeling' movement' held a public meeting recently with LUCE who is an organization in collusion
    with the UN Agenda 21.
    The 'labeling laws' are attempting to pass so that Monsanto can finally lock out any kind of ban or extiniction of GMO's and GE's in your city and town – and take over your city.
    The 'labeling' propaganda is now showing it's unintended consequences and the continued support
    is going reap more unintended consequences.
    Monsanto doesn't suffer at all.
    Barbara H. Peterson (via http://www.farmwars.info)
    While everyone is focused on labeling GMOs instead of banning them, Monsanto is hard at work making sure that local communities and counties are prohibited from banning the planting of GMOs. The state version of the Monsanto Protection Act just past the Oregon Senate:
    Senate Bill 633: Relating to the preemption of local laws regulating agriculture. Makes legislative finding and declaration that regulation of agricultural seed, flower seed, nursery seed and vegetable seed and products of agricultural seed, flower seed, nursery seed and vegetable seed be reserved to state. http://gov.oregonlive.com/bill/2013/SB633/
    So, while we hop on the labeling bandwagon, Monsanto is pleased as punch because behind the scenes, it is working with the government to make sure that no county can ban them. Who cares if they are labeled if you control the agency that is responsible for labeling. By the time watered-down labels go through, if they do, it will be game, set, match if bans are in effect banned by Monsanto in collusion with state governments, and labeling is a mere charade concocted by….. Monsanto, of course!
    Get to your city and get involved before Monsanto moves in and poisons your own city for good –
    and tries to ban the entire country from any kind of law prohibiting the GMO BAN.
    The government is not your friend.

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