1. Douglas Westerman says:

    There is a good website, cancertutor.com that gives lots of information on alternative methods for cancer. I wrote a book some years ago on patients who were given a terminal diagnosis, and got well using such methods, it helps to read about others, as it gives us faith we can do it too.


    douglas westerman


  2. American Patriot says:

    I had friends that took chemo and always got sooo sick with every chemo session. Every one of them died without being cured.

  3. http://www.topicalinfo.org/ is a very good web site for skin cancer and gives very good info on helping any kind of cancer. I used the info at this web site to help with my own skin cancer and slowly but surely it is going away without chemo, drugs, radiation or surgery. I also had a breast tumor years ago which I knew was cancerous and since I wasn't in the money, I could not afford a doctor and did nothing. After 10 years, one day I woke up and it was gone. It makes me wonder how it is that third world countries don't suffer as much from cancer deaths as more so-called advanced nations but maybe just maybe it's not the diet so much as the fact that they don't take surgery, chemo, radiation, etc., and just get well on their own because it just goes away. I know for a fact that it is the chemo, radiation, surgery (especially when they remove the lymph nodes)that kills you and not the actual cancer itself. I know that from what my own mother went through and died a horrible painful death due to all these so-called treatments. The cancer didn't kill her but the treatments sure did. Its a sad world when we can't just trust our own gut instinct and just change our diet and lifestyle a little to cure ourselves rather then relying on the AMA and big pharma and their poisonous artifices.

    1. Anonymous says:

      Would you like to know why third world countries might have lower rates of cancer??? BECAUSE THEY DIE YOUNGER FROM COMPLETELY PREVENTABLE DISEASES. CHILDREN DIE EVERY 30 SECONDS FROM MILARIA, I WONDER F****ING WHY THERE'S LESS CANCER. By the way yes chemotherapy is cytotoxic but IT IS PROVEN to reduce cancers. If cancer could be cured by friendly fairies that bring sparkles of goodness from flower wands then life would be grand BUT the genesis of cancers is not known THAT IS A FACT and what honestly makes you think that you know more than someone who has decicated their life to understanding it?? These internet forums promoting these therapies make me sick and the BIGGEST HIPOCRISY of all is that none of you understand that when you take a plant extract to treat your disease that you are actually inducing a pharmacokinetic response in your body WHICH MEANS YOU ARE TAKING A DRUG!!!!!!!!!!!! Many modern medicines contain these extracts except they have been purified and given in a dose that is able to help you. THIS IS SOMETHING YOU CANNOT DENY BECAUSE QUITE FRANKLY LOOK AT THE STATISTICS – THOSE OF US WHO ARE LUCKY ENOUGH TO HAVE ACCESS TO MODERN MEDICINE ARE LIVING LONGER. PLEASE PLEASE SEE REASON.

      1. T0YB0AT78 says:

        Tell it to my dead mother, 30 different pills at the time of her death, was given 10-12 months to live, lasted 8….. Plenty more stories where that came from…..

  4. do a search " Artemisia Cancer "

    sweet annie Artemisinin

  5. Great informative article! It's sad that fear is used to push limited and drastic treatments such as chemo and radiation. Which have been proven to devastate an already challenged immune system when there are so many natural, non invasive treatments that focuses on healing the whole body. I'm going to share this article with our green social network at http://www.CrunchyHippie.com! We'd love for anyone who is curious or passionate about living natural and healthy lives to come and be a part of it! ~Amber~

  6. MedScientist says:

    Some years ago, I moved to a new area, and found a new doctor. On my first visit to meet him and to get a quick check up, he asked me about why I had not had routine cancer screenings done for a number of years. I looked him straight in the eye and said, "When a treatment for cancer is found that does any good, I will do cancer screening. Right now the so-called "best treatment" is to cut, poison and burn (with radiation) a patient who may or may not actually have cancer."
    He asked why I thought people would be diagnosed who did not actually have cancer. I replied " You know that a cancer diagnosis depends on the opinion of only one person, a pathologist. If he says it's cancer, then it's cancer. Did he sleep well the night before? Is he having problems at home? Does he take drugs himself? Is he overworked, with too many samples to look at that day? Doesn't matter, when it comes to diagnosing, his word is law. No one ever gets a second opinion and a second biopsy. The histologist who prepares the sample, the person who labels the sample, and the pathologist, have at least three
    opportunities for error in that one biopsy. But based on that one small sample, a person's life is put into
    extreme jeopardy with extreme and ineffective treatments. From the day of diagnosis, the quality of that person's life is destroyed, his finances are soon ruined, and everyone who cares about him becomes sad. His mental health suffers, he is scared and sad. When treatments start, he gets very very sick. His quality of life has been destroyed. And for what? These treatments do not cure cancer. When cancer can be cured, I will want to know if I have it, so it can be cured, but until it can be cured, why would I seek to find out, when finding out only ruins your life, whatever is left of it?"
    When "cut poison and burn" stops being the preferred treatment, I might get screened. Until then, why get unnecessary radiation from those screenings, when radiation is said to be a carcinogen?"
    "So, what do you need me for?" he laughed.
    "Prescriptions for the very few things that can actually help. Antibiotics if I get a bacterial infection. Tetanus shot if I step on a rusty nail. And if I do get cancer, I might want some painkillers toward the end."
    He smiled. "You might be one of the smartest patients I have."

  7. as could be assumed, your doctor lied to you.. you’re not really that smart. for one thing there are tons of “good treatments for cancer”. for another, antibiotics are deadly, and there are many Amazing plants in nature that have way better antibiotic properties and don’t damage your necessary good cells and bacteria like the stupid pills do. painkillers and shots are also bad choices for obvious reasons

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