1. Well, I’m glad retailers have finally figured it out. I very seldom shop at the regular commercial grocery stores anymore. Simply put, they lost my trust. Had those store had my best interests in mind all along, maybe I’d still be shopping there. A lot of those stores do have organic product lines now; but if I don’t choose an organic product, then I need to be reading labels in those stores. One never knows what’s on those lists! I find that I don’t have to be as vigilant at certain other stores, so those stores are where I shop now. If the regular commercial grocery stores cleaned up their product lines, would I be more inclined to shop there? I don’t know. They’ve pretty much lost my trust.

    1. Good on you. I’m a label-reader too. Unfortunately, FDA and USDA have dumbed down the labels, so that “organic” can contain as much as 5% GMOs and “natural” even more. “USDA 100% organic” is the only trustworthy label remaining that’s been government-issued. “GMO-free” from the non-GMO project (Institute for Responsible Technology) is independently verified and also trustworthy.

      Now Tom Vilsack, Monsanto-shill USDA head, wants barcodes on GMO so-called food. He INSULTINGLY said that lables (“contains GMOs,” e.g.) would be too “CONFUSING” for adult Americans to understand. What a snot. Vilsack sees the increasing demand for labels, and he desperately wants to avoid them so that his GMO cronies can still profit by selling us unlabeled poison. Hence the barcode scheme. How many folks can read the barcodes we already have? Vilsack is an injurious GMO lickspittle and should be removed from office. He’s even violated court orders for no planting to help out his GMO cronies. Nasty.

  2. Okay here is an english and science lesson rolled into one. Genes inserted into a product are natural. The soybeans, corn, etc. are natural. So there was no lie or deception involved only ignorant and undereducated people who don’t fully understand the world in which we all live.

    1. FarmPro. That is 100% untrue. Get your facts straight and educate yourself.

      1. Okay genius, since you must have the same college education in horticulture and genetics that I have, you explain why it isn’t true.

    2. rick spalding says:

      Yes, inserting spinach genes into a lime that would never happen in nature, is natural…..

      1. The spinach genes are naturally occurring, the lime is naturally occurring. Just because man intervenes in the process makes it no less natural. You don’t find loaves of bread growing on trees, but when many naturally existing parts are mixed together by a human you create a loaf of bread. By your logic if humans do anything to anything it can no longer be considered natural. It almost seems like I am getting a “well GOD didn’t make it that way” kind of vibe from your comment.

        1. rick spalding says:

          your inane premise leads to making a steel structure naturally occuring and essentially anything done by humans is natural. That is ridiculous. I really couldn’t care less about the word natural on a box. GM is mainly used for junk food. I have no clue why the anti gm people are concerned about GM, but not all the junk food they eat, gotta go by those organic cookies! A majority of words on a box of food is meaningless unless the FDA decides to make it meaningful for the consumer.

          1. You assume that junk food only exists because of gmos, hate to tell you, but McDonald’s was here before gmos and will be here if they would go away. Gmos don’t have to be fast food either as my freezer is full of locally raised gmo beef, pork and lamb, not to mention the locally raised gmo sweet corn. All these natural foods with zero side effects. You need to open your eyes.

          2. rick spalding says:

            Your projecting now and putting words in my mouth. I never said GM created junk food. GM is mainly used for derivatives in junk food, if I recall correctly, 90 percent. Way to go, make the junk food cheaper for the poor people. If it was actually about helping people and not just profit they would actually make healthy wholefoods cheaper. HMM, I wonder why corn and soy were a focal point in the beginning…… and on top 40 percent of the corn goes to ethanol. Good thing we have a huge access to corn syrup too. I have no problem them making a profit, I do have a problem with the propaganda of saving the world with food, when most of it makes junk food.

          3. JOHN BISCIT says:

            ” All these natural foods with zero side effects.”
            This is a very bold and irresponsible statement. There is no way you or anyone will completely understand all the possible side effects for generations to come

        2. FreeMann9 says:

          ….you mean to tell me that you can’t differentiate between gene splicing and altering species and baking a cake??

          Then you have the audacity to call yourself wise too.
          Gotta say WOW to that…

    3. See my commenta above. Your full argument is illogical.

      1. What is illogical is to believe that a gene alteration could be the root cause of so many diseases and disorders. The most deadly chemicals and elements known to man don’t cause this many different problems. The one thing I have learned in all my years of studying the sciences it that people try to pin a problem on just one thing, when in reality it is a culmination of many different factors over time the cause a problem to arise.

        1. JOHN BISCIT says:

          “The most deadly chemicals and elements known to man don’t cause this many different problems”
          It is impossible for you or anyone else to make this statement. The dizzying array of new chemicals and their effects on the Earth have never been studied in combination. It is an impossible experiment to make. We will only find out over generations what effect all these unnatural components will take and by then it may be too late to reverse the consequences.

          1. What we will find out is just what we have found out with just about every other external pressure. A relatively small proportion of the total population will be negatively effected while those with stronger more robust and resistant gene pools will pass that on to the next generation. EVOLUTION is great!!!

          2. JOHN BISCIT says:

            ” A relatively small proportion of the total population will be
            negatively effected while those with stronger more robust and resistant
            gene pools will pass that on to the next generation”
            Does this comment remind anyone of a certain dictator who wanted to cleanse the world of the handicapped, blacks and gays??

          3. No, if you have had any formal genetics training or ever actually seen with your own eyes with electron microscope technology how genes mutate, crossover, replicate, etc. then you might have some form argument. Once you have seen it for yourself there ain’t no putting the genie back in the bottle. Just look with your own eyes and watch how mother nature operates around you everyday. Survival of the fittest it goes the same for plant, beast, as well as human.

          4. JOHN BISCIT says:

            First of all my undergraduate training included classes in thermodynamics, biology, genetics, chemistry, etc. I am well aware of what be gained by electron microscopy.
            Even if you had the impossible likelihood of a union of bacteria and wheat gene, Mother Nature would never, ever allow it to prosper. So no this would never pan out.
            And the point here is that you don’t want to let the genie OUT of the bottle in the first place.
            You destroy your argument here since survival of the fittest will prevent these strange concoctions from evolving in the first place.
            You need to bone up on your science.

          5. If this were not true then we would not have weeds, insects, or other pest that become resistant to herbicides. For instance the common careless weed in many areas is now resistant to glyphosate. The weed now has a genetic mutation that it never had before given to it by long term exposer to glyphosate. I would almost bet that if one were to sequence the DNA of a roundup ready soybean vs a roundup resistant weed the same gene sequence for glyphosate resistance would be responsible. Yet the weeds with resistance never had any genes inserted via splicing. So once again here we have survival of the fittest, a type of weed the never existed before one, of the weird concoctions you say can’t evolve and yet thriving well. The same thing could have been done with the soybean but who knows how long it would take 20, 30, 200 years.

          6. JOHN BISCIT says:

            You are totally incorrect. Prove to me or show any example of a soy bean DNA having combined with a bacterial DNA naturally occurring in nature and that has prospered. If this was the case we would have no need of GMO technology. This would already have occurred. Do you understand what GMO is?

          7. I don’t know about soy bean and bacteria but there is an article on natural news that says there is a sea slug that can steal photosynthesis DNA from algae to make its own food. So there you go that a natural occurring example.

          8. JOHN BISCIT says:

            Sorry, no disrespect intended here, but you continue (either on purpose or out of ignorance of the topic) to miss the point here and I feel it is pointless to waste my posting time discussing it with you further.

          9. You just asked me to find you one example in nature where cross kingdom DNA sharing was taking place and I did. I believe the Article is entitled: Green sea slug steals photosynthesis genes by eating algae; gene transfer uncontrollable in wild. Be careful what you ask for BOY cause I’m just like Dominos’ I always deliver.

          10. You just asked me to find you one example in nature where cross kingdom DNA sharing was taking place and I did. I believe the Article is entitled: Green sea slug steals photosynthesis genes by eating algae; gene transfer uncontrollable in wild. Naturalnews. Be careful what you ask for BOY cause I’m just like Dominos’ I always deliver.

          11. Honestly I probably wouldn’t have believed it either until I read this.

          12. JOHN BISCIT says:

            No! I asked “Prove to me or show any example of a soy bean DNA having combined with a bacterial DNA naturally occurring in nature.

          13. Whether it be soybean and bacteria or algae and slugs the process of cross Kingdom gene sharing IS possible! The whole premise for the anti-GM camp revolves around this process not being possible in the natural world by any life form. So that being said it just might be possible for many other organisms if it is for just a few.

          14. JOHN BISCIT says:

            OK Uncle! I give up

          15. FarmPro – You mean, like the super weeds that are a by-product of GMO farming? Survival of the fittest. Even Roundup doesn’t kill them. How about the incredibly high incidence of soy allergies which just coincidentally has risen dramatically with the rise of GMO soy? Are all those affected people just weaklings that should be culled? With GMO’s, we are the guinea pigs. No long term studies have been done on them, and the glowing reports about them seem to come from biotech funded labs. I’m not saying conclusively that GMO’s cause disease, but there are related health problems, the scope of which only time will tell. Are you willing to pay the price to find out? If so, it’s still not your place to tell everybody else they should too.

          16. Even before GM crops there have been resistant pests, and weeds arise with other pesticides(natural or synthetic) that have to be used to control them. This has been going on since the beginning of agriculture with any substance man uses to control them. It seems as if there is some belief that before there were GM crops there were no pesticides being used. The fact is that there are many different chemicals being used on conventional crops as well and many of them are labeled with a skull and crossbones. And it isn’t going to change anywhere in the near future.

          17. Yes, Monsanto has been poisoning the world for over a century now. We’re all pretty aware of that, thanks. You’re being selectively blind to not acknowledge that there is NEW growth of super weeds that are totally resistant to Roundup, (which kills most everything it touches). This, in turn, has increased the amount of chemicals used for the same job. “The fact is that there are many different chemicals being used on conventional crops as well and many of them are labeled with a skull and crossbones.” This is why some of us choose ORGANIC, which you obviously have no love for. You also selectively ignored the rapidly increasing incidence of food allergies, particularly to soy and corn, which is almost 100% GMO. You support your argument with chest puffing about your credentials, but you are avoiding the topics I presented to you.

          18. Just because round up does not kill what you call super weeds, there is nothing super about these weeds, many other pesticides can be used to control them quite well. But if used repeatedly and long term they will develop a resistance to them as well. This can be done without even having to spray them over the crops (wick boom method). Its a little thing called evolution. I don’t know a anyone personally who has either a corn or soy allergy, not even a single child whose parents farm the stuff. And they eat the foods from which the same corn and soy are used. So once again the allergies are probably in a small percentage of the population. Many people have peanut allergies as well and not one single peanut is GM. And people who are allergic to conventional peanuts are also allergic to organic peanuts. So as you can see this is where your argument breaks down. I have nothing against organics at all I just believe if you are claiming something is organic and charging a premium for it, it damn sure better be! I also don’t understand why everyone singles out Monsanto, while forgetting about Syngenta, Bayer, ConAgra, Howard Johnson, BASF, Du pont, Dow Asgro, and the list goes on and on. Do you really think all of these Companies are evil.

          19. David Miller says:

            Yes! All of them are evil.

          20. Yes it does.

            And as the GMO industries and regulatory agencies ALL refuse to label GMO so-called foods, they have put Americans (and people worldwide) into a grotesque medical experiment without our informed consent. I call that TERRORISM and crimes against humanity. It requird prosecution.

          21. And just like the weeds and insects that evolve we are made from the same stuff and we evolve as well right along side of them. If anyone is spraying more roundup then recommend on the label they are knowingly breaking the law. Pesticide labeling carries the force of law to do anything outside of the label is considered illegal. I myself don’t know anyone who has EVER punctured an AG tire in good condition with a stalk from a weed. As far as organic farming goes it is the organic farmers own burden to protect their crops from anything going on in the outside world. If someone wants to claim to grow organic and be sure there is no contamination they have the option to grow indoors. There is pretty much no absolute control against contaminates unless growing in an enclosed controlled environment.
            P.S. Anyone who goes to the trouble to correct spelling on one of these things is more than likely a SUPER DOUCHE!

          22. Re human evolution: Our generations are longer. We evolve much more slowly than weeds and insects. This conveniently gives big pharma (often a merged branch of big GMO) more time to push its drugs.

            Re pesticide use: It increasd by 527 million pounds from 1995-2011 alone. Monsanto ADVISES farmers to spray more Roundup. Labels mean next to nothing now, as “organic” can contain up to 5% GMOs and “natrual” can contain much more. Recently, in order to avoid real labels, USDA’s Vilsack recommended BARCODES for GMOs because (he said) labels (“contains GMOs,” e.g.) would be “confusing” to adult Americans.

            Re tractor tires: Damage is so rough, farmers are using Kevlar tires. A single tire can cost thousands of dollars; some tractors have as many as 8 tires. The average life of a tractor tire has dropped from 5-6 years to 1-2 (“if the farmer is lucky”).

            Re organic crops: You argument is USDA (GMO industry) propaganda. Monsanto already dishonestly sues farmers for “stealing” GMOS that contaminated organic crops via wind or pollinators and made the organics of NO MARKET VALUE. Organic famers do NOT want the economic losses caused by GMOs.

            The industry wants organic farmers to completely cover their fields, depriving them of natural rain and sunshine, so that organic crops aren’t contaminated by wind-blown or pollinator-carried pollen from GMO filth. This is the wrong approach. The CONTAMINATOR, i.e., the grower of disease-causing GMO filth, should be the one who is made to grow crops indoors. (Actually, they should be BANNED.) The dishonest GMO industry (coupled with the dishonest insurance industry) also wants organic farmers to buy insurance against crops lost due to GMO contamination. Again, it’s the CONTAMINATOR who should pay.

            P.S. Anyone who confuses “effect” and “affect” needs schooling.. As a retired editor, I still notice such examples of ignorance. Have a super douche day. Chuckle.

        2. You’re apparently – likely deliberately, likely trollishly – not paying attention to full comments or to scientific news. MONSANTO’S GMO SO-CALLED CROPS ARE ALL DESIGNED TO ABSORB TOXIC CHEMICALS (ROUNDUP). The genetic engineering process per se causes problems and the Roundup per se causes problems. Now combine both of those travesties.

          I spent most of my working life in a medical/teaching university, and I’ve also followed GMO and regulatory agency news for years. The list of diseases was gathered from scientific articles – studies done by honorable people, not by paid, lying industry shills.

          1. Oh yeah and if you wear anything made of cotton just think of all the Bt, glyphosate, as well as any other types of pesticide that had to be sprayed just leaching slowly out of the fabric into your body through your skin every time you sweat. If its in your food its in your clothes.

          2. The fact is, it IS in your food and in Bt cotton clothes. I advise you to buy organic cotton or hemp clothing or to frequent thrift stores that carry older, pre-GMO clothing.

            Interestingly, you seem to take a weird joy in your ‘leached death’ scenario. Are you feeling well?

  3. Print this article and give it to the manager or customer service desk of stores that you frequent. This informs them and also prevents them from throwing you out of the store for putting post-it notes on boxes of Kashi, etc. Experienced grin.

  4. In the debate below, “FarmPro” said, essentially, that putting a spinach gene into a lima is “natural” and ok because both spinach and limas occur naturally. He (or she) further said that soybeans and corn are natural, so there’s no deception in calling them natural even if they’re GMO-altered. Those statements are bull. His (or her) further comparisons of genetic engineering to making a loaf of brad is also bull. It’s like comparing apples to armadillos.

    Numerous studies have shown that the GE process can result in the creation of totally new proteins that the human body has NO experience whatsoever in proessing. GE can also activate or deactivate genes besides the targeted one(s); it’s unpredictable which genes will be affected, which makes the process potentially very dangerous. (GMO-diet hamsters, e.g., had hair growth in their mouths.)

    GE crops are made to be “resistant” to toxic chemicals such as Roundup (contains glyphosate, PROVED to kill pollinators) and Enlist Duo (contains glyphosate and 2,4-D, an Agent Orange ingredient PROVED to kill people exposed to it and/or to cause hideous birth defects). The “resistance” mans that the corps ABSORB the toxic chemicals without dying. Thus, whoever eats the plant also eats the POISON.

    Monsnto, Dow, BASF, et al. are deliberately, knowingly poisoning the food supply. Their personnel should be prosecuted for crimes against humanity and global terrorism.

    1. FreeMann9 says:

      Even the armadillos are laughing at that one.

      1. Chuckle.
        And here’s one for your other hand…

  5. Further, here’s a list of what GMOs have been shown to cause:

    allergies; Alzheimer’s disease; asthma and other respiratory problems; autism; birth defects; brain damage and dysfunction; breast cancer; cardiovascular problems; chronic fatigue; colon cancer; crippling; Crohn’s disease; diabetes; diahhrea; endocrine disruption; hair growth in the mouth; headaches; heart dysfunction/failure; hemorrhagic stroke; high infant death rates; holes in intestinal walls; hyperactivity; hypertension; immune system weakening; immune system cancers; in utero fetal deaths; inattention; infertility / sterility in later generations; intestinal infection; inflammatory bowel disease; intrahepatic bile duct cancer; irritable bowel syndrome; kidney cancer; kidney disease / dysfunction / failure; lipoprotein metabolism disorders (ICD ER78,5 hyperlipoproteinemia and E78.0 hypercholesterolemia); liver cancer; liver disease / dysfunction / failure; low IQ; low sperm count; lung dysfunction/failure; lupus; malnutrition (lacking nutrients); memory loss; miscarriages; nerve disease; obesity (eating more to get more nutrition); pancreas dysfunction/failure; pancretitis; paralysis; Parkinson’s disease; permanent DNA injiury via horizontal gene transfer and mutation; premature births; production of totally new proteins that the body has no historical experience in processing; random activation and deactivation of genes, with unpredictable results; rashes; renal pelvis cancer; respiratory disease; senile dementia; stroke; thyroid cancer; toxin (poison) production by the gastrointestinal tract (due to foreign genetic mateial absorbed into normal itestinal bacteria); ulcerative colitis; and DEATH. Also economic damage to organic farmers whose crops are contaminated by GMOs and economic damage even to duped GMO farmers because intelligent countries will NOT import GMO crops

    1. Ok your comment is 6 months old, but on the off chance you see this….could you add your sources for all those ailments being caused by GM foods please? The only thing i’ve seen personally are studies proving a link between GM foods and decreased fertility, outright infertility, increased risk of premature birth, and infant mortality. This research was carried out by DR Alexie Surov and his team. By the third generation his test animals fed on GM foods were largely infertile, those that weren’t had impaired fertility. In addition to the work of Dr Surov, I have also personally read a further 5 studies which reach the same conclusions. That GM foods damage fertility, and can cause a serious rise in health risks for fetuses. Given this research I can well believe that GM foods could be responsible for other negative health effects. The article points to the way to deal with unscrupulous vermin that show no concern for the health of us and our loved ones…….vote with your money!!!

      Do not buy their products anymore, don’t shop with the stores that carry GM products, spread awareness of the research which shows the dangers of GM foods, be loud, organized, and VERY vocal in your opposition to the GM industry. WE DO NOT NEED GM FOODS. Anyone trying to push this damaging filth on us needs to be dragged over the coals.

      Keep up the good work

      1. Tom, thanks for being informed and concerned. I’m with you 100% on boycott too. I suppose you’ve heard of the Non-GMO Project? You can download a guide to GMO-free products; info at Institute for Responsible Technology.

        As to links to the diseases and conditions – I gathered these over the years from articles I read for my own reference. I’ll look back over what material I’ve saved and see what I come up with. Patience please!

      2. Tom, further to my note below. One thing to consider with GM ‘foods’ is that over 90% of them are sprayed with glyphosate and also absorb it systemically. Whoever eats the ‘food’ eats the toxin as well. Glyphosate itself causes many health problems. (I’m sure you know this; but people wander in, and I think we speak to those as well.)

        Here are 2 refs (more to follow):

        The Hazards of Genetically Engineered Foods
        Charles Margulis
        Environ Health Perspect. 2006 Mar; 114(3): A146–A147
        general, but very interesting

        Genetically Engineered Foods May Cause Rising Food
        Allergies—Genetically Engineered Soybeans
        Jeffrey Smith (Institute for Reponsible Technology)
        Re irritable bowel syndrome, digestion problems, chronic fatigue, headaches, lethargy, and skin complaints, including acne and eczema, all related to soy consumption. Symptoms of glyphosate exposure include nausea, headaches, lethargy, skin rashes, and burning or itchy skin
        11 refs for other reading

      3. ?? My further reply to you disappeared. Here are some refs; keep in mind that over 90% of GM crops are sprayed with/absorb glyphosate that also causes problems.

        The Hazards of Genetically Engineered Foods
        Charles Margulis
        Environ Health Perspect. 2006 Mar; 114(3): A146–A147
        general, but very interesting

        Genetically Engineered Foods May Cause Rising Food Allergies—Genetically Engineered Soybeans
        Jeffrey Smith (Institute for Reponsible Technology)
        irritable bowel syndrome,digestion problems, chronic fatigue, headaches, lethargy, and skin complaints, including acne and eczema, all related to soy consumption. Symptoms of glyphosate exposure include nausea, headaches, lethargy, skin rashes, and burning or itchy skin
        11 refs for other reading

        Genetically Modified Foods Unsafe? GM Foods and Allergies
        Jeffery M. Smith
        Global Research, May 19, 2014
        Genengnews.com 8 November 2007
        Bt-triggered allergic reactions, diarrhea, high infant death rates, kidney and liver toxicity, flu-like symptoms, weakness, numbness

  6. Denise Neumann Stockton says:

    Farmpro, you remind me of Dr. Sheldon Cooper ( Big Bang Theory), a popular television show…….you are so smart that you are stupid………..sorry but you are really crazy!!!!!!

    1. All of the great scientists of their time were considered crazy by the masses. The only thing that is crazier is the fact that everyone of them were pretty much spot on with their findings.

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