1. A good, general introduction for those who are yet unaware of this massive operation. All over the US now, and also worldwide. Send others the link to this so more can be informed.
    Thank you for the article

  2. The homoeopath I send my kids to says he has 3 types of viruses that comes from chemtrails. And it seems that these are sprayed in times when many have holidays and is out, like July/August and Christmas and maybe Easter. He detects them with a kind of “bio resonance” equipment (as all viruses and bacteria has a resonance freq. (Rife) and also poisons and metals)
    These viruses gives a forever lasting flue like condition and between being sick the feeling you are or are about to be.
    My feeling is that is is something karmic about this, the last 100 years we have sprayed insects with poisons (because plants gets weaker in soil with low nutrient level using chemical fertilizers) and now we now get sprayed ourself the same way.

  3. Chemtrails are an obvious hoax that unscrupulous quack medicine salesmen use to trick the gullible into buying worthless products.
    Morten, your homeopath is a con man and you are a dupe. Please, send your kids to a doctor, not to a lunatic with palpably insane theories about medicine.
    Hey guys, you know what they call alternative medicine that's been proven to work and proven to be safe?

    1. Anonymous says:

      Medicine – doctors that prescribe all the newest drugs that big pharma are pushing. They’re not looking into all the side effects to see if is contraindicated to a disease you may already have. I have to switch doctors and move towards holistic treatments because my old doctor was prescribing things that were not good for my other issues.

    2. This poster above is either 1) uninformed and refuses to do any research or 2) is a govt troll being paid by our taxes to post disinfo. See projectcensored.org 2012 list #3 the site is from a college dept which does research on media-censored issues. On the same list you will find it's report on undisclosed geoengineering.
      There are many good documentaries such as 'Bye Bye Blue Sky' which discusses the Belfort Group study report, and many others. Disregard deniers and pharma shill types, do your research.

  4. Just because it was 'censored' doesn't mean it's true. Chemtrails are a hoax. They're not real.

    1. Another shill, or same shill using a different name, you're either shilling for the govt, what 'don't look don't look at those sites or documentaries just say hoax over and over' lol. Listen shill, there are dozens of documentaries some now award winning, along with a mountain of government documents and budgetary proofs of these operations, not only the sources above. Tired old govt shilling phrases such as 'hoax' etc. does not negate fact, nor will it stop any of us from simply looking up to see that we are being sprayed, so I suggest you stop now.

  5. Given the shills decided to post more 'hoax' and 'contrails' nonsense, I thought to again encourage others to visit the projectcensored site, a college covering various media-censored items, see their 2012 list #3, though they engage many other issues also as you'll see. The Bye Blue Sky documentary mentioned is good, and there are others available so look into them, also see – aboutthesky.com.

  6. Hello to all the people with open eyes and open ears in this community. It is so sad that people like the shills on here do not have a brain of theyre own and can be so obviously bought off by TPTB. Chemtrails are sprayed almost daily around the world, the only people that cannot see them are the blind…

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