1. the article is of a very poor standard

  2. blank Steve Barnett says:

    Everything new you should stay away from. Plastics containers, teflon, MSG, Trans fat, Aluminum silicate, tin cans, aluminum cans, electrical current, radiation, sodas and refined sugar. All this stuff is bad for us. Cast iron, glass and the way we preserve food is not good. Freezing food makes it last longer, but then requires power plants putting out pollution, when they could grow hemp and solve the energy problem. They know teflon is bad for you, but they are giving the companies till 2015 to quit making the crap. Don't drink out of aluminum cans. If the coating gets damaged you eat it.

  3. Your baby is doomed anyways. Anyone considering having a child now is living in a fantasy world and will live to see their child die a horrible death in a FEMA camp. Have a nice day.

    1. Do you enjoy your life in loneliness and misery?

  4. blank Marilyn Guinn says:

    I always wonder why it takes scientific study to tell us what common sense dictates. I've never owned a cell phone and threw out the microwave oven when my husband died. Does this make me smarter than you? I don't know but it means I have better horse sense than 99% of the population. You are committing a slow suicide, people!

  5. blank mothman777 says:

    What horrifies me is when I see mothers put their mobiles in a bag just behind the baby's head as they sit in their prams. I have not used mobiles for years, and find my mind is much more sensitive, and also use a Transformer 28 3G in my home to reduce the harmful nature of telephone signals etc., and they do work very well as I find my sensitivity, mood and intellectual function remarkably improved through avoiding electrical pollution this way. Another good idea for those who cannot do without mobiles is to buy a sheath for them that prevents any signal coming in or going out, and just take it out in absolute emergencies, or just use it at pre-agreed times so that both parties can take their mobile phones out at the same time. Similar sheaths are good for your bank cards too as scammers can simply scan all your info as they walk past you and draw money from your account and steal all your personal info.

  6. Is it possible that this could be the link to Autism? Has anyone tried to link the increase of cellphone usage and wifi usage in homes to the increase of Autism?

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