1. Skeptologist says:

    This is a perfect example of the damage people like Christina Sarich are doing to the conversation surrounding GMOs. There are legitimate issues to be discussed, like whether promoting the use of herbicide-tolerant crops is the best use of this technology.

    But anti-GMO fanatics who spout endless streams of nonsense about GMOs being “toxic” and causing everything from irritable bowel syndrome to autism and cancer make it nearly impossible to hold a rational conversation. The hyperbolic nonsense peddled by these self-appointed experts from Google university make it very easy for proponents of GMOs to sideline criticism as being baseless or ignorant. And in the case of criticisms from Christina Sarich, they are not wrong. Most of her articles (if not all) contain blatantly false and misleading claims.

    For people who are concerned about modern agricultural practices and the technology involved, if you want your concerns to be heard stop aligning yourself with crackpots and cranks like Christina Sarich. There are many of us in the middle who want to have constructive conversations. There are many of us who work in the field of plant molecular biology who are happy to engage in dialogue and examine the issues openly and honestly. But we won’t listen to opinions of people like Christina Sarich, because there is no point. Her beliefs are simply not rational nor informed.

    1. Skeptologist says:

      fact about these GMOs foods out there are causing serious health issue

      What facts? Show me these facts. What peer-reviewed studies have demonstrated this evidence? Prove to me that you have even the slightest clue what you’re talking about. Because it sounds to me like you’ve been brainwashed by propagandists like Sarich and her ilk.

      1. Skeptologist says:

        What a juvenile comment. Act like an adult and we can have a conversation. Swear and curse like a child and get treated like one.

        1. AAAAHHH, you can’t take an insult from me? What a hypocrite that you really are, because you come in here insulting anyone who post an article about GMOs is not safe! Lol, you are big joke.

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