1. All well and good to make the thrust of this article to be about the cancer-ridden, diabetes causing food-like substances that is the US food supply, but let’s get a little perspective, shall we? Nowhere mentioned in this piece is the fact that Americans have been getting LARGER since time immemorial -larger as in taller/bigger boned. Without this little snippet of fact, this piece stinks of subtle misogyny. You can do better, Gucciardi.

    1. Oh, how you “DO” “PRATTLE” “ON” Boyo…..

      1. Wow, Phil! Did you come up with that zinger ALL on your own?? You’re absolutely brilliant with your quips. Don’t quit your job to go into public speaking or commenting.

    2. oh please. Even if getting taller big boned does not contribute to the obesity issue

    3. freedomdove says:

      So only Americans have been becoming “bigger boned”? The rest of humanity isn’t “getting larger”? Is there something special about the USA that allows us to “evolve” while other countries lag behind?

      1. Uh no, genius. Clearly, this is true for humanity in general. The title of the article I commented on was titled, “The Average American Woman Now Weighs as Much as a Man” emphasis on the word A M E R I C A N. Are you being cavil because you imagine you’re clever? Hint: It ain’t working. Don’t give up your day job.

        1. freedomdove says:

          ROFLMAO. Well, boy genius, if everyone is getting bigger boned then why isn’t obesity a problem in *all* countries and cultures?

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