1. I wonder how they're going to find meat not contaminated by antibiotics, in that amount, that fast? Most of the meat for sale everywhere is from factory farms? Are they going to buy their meat at the health food stores? It sounds good on paper, for sure!
    Are they still going to be feeding their patients sugar (made from GMO sugar beets of course) which shuts down their patients immune systems?
    I think they have a bit more homework to do!

  2. Oooooopppsssssieeee! I forgot! Wait till the beef and chicken industry get a hold of this! They'll be taking it straight to Congress, and making them pass laws that hospitals MUST serve their factory meat!

  3. Rum Raisin says:

    It's a nice idea and a step in the right direction, but unless everyone gets the tainted meat out of their diets, I don't see the justification unless it's based only on philosophy and doing the right thing based on common sense. But do they really think serving this meat will effect their treatments? The average American patient is already eating the factory meat when they arrive at the hospital. Then the patient gets out of the hospital and go right back to their regular diet of poisoned factory meat. I don't see the point unless it's a way for hospitals to jack up their costs and blame the meat! I think a better solution would be to get behind a world-wide campaign to ban antibiotic/chemically-laced meat from factory farms along with being a role model in hospital dietary changes.

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