1. I’m also surprised that the has not yet labeled Vitamin C as a drug since it can prevent and cure scurvy. Likewise Vitamin D for rickets, B Vitamins for beri beri, calcium for bones, Vitamin A to prevent blindness, etc. They really are the Fraud and Death Administration! The nation that prides itself in being the pillar of freedom is now only the pillar of government and corporate corruption.

    1. liberaltool says:

      Vitamin c is indeed listed as a drug under Pharmacology listings. As are all vitamins. Also listed as ‘drugs’ are the hormones and regulatory fluids your own body produces and uses internally. Vitamin C evinces a change in your Physiognomy or physiology, therefore it is, by definition, a ‘drug’. That is the ‘criterion’, medically speaking, not whether or not you purchase it at a pharmacy.
      RN MSN

  2. well i guess they will have to follow Pepsi way and mention the good oil s and nutrients and why with out the part this will prevent or heal it ! and have the lists of other compaanyies with the same wording . Then a lawsuit to back it up .

  3. Excellent article….I will still continue to eat my walnuts daily.

  4. === WHO owns the potato chips companies? Who is the boss of FDA and why he is not held accountable.

  5. Here is an example of the colonisation of commercial interests.First Nestle claims that water is not a human right but can be bought and now Walnuts are a drug that requires registration.

    1. crab apples says:

      Only the claims of “health benefits” are subject to FDA oversight. The exaggeration of this stuff is just incredible. I am a retired pharmacist and know intimately what is involved in research processes to get approval for cancer chemotherapy drugs. It isn’t Dorothy wandering around in Oz , maidens of the mist. It is about science and PROOF of effectiveness OK? Just learn about what is involved and then you won’t spread so much mis-information about this stuff, get it?

  6. crab apples says:

    Health benefits are claimed by many , unscrupulous and scrupulous. I do not doubt the health benefits of walnuts. However, as a pharmacist of 30 years at Mayo Clinic, Rochester MN and involved with about 18 years of cancer chemotherapy research and standard treatments in those very problematic diseases, I have to correct a bit of the hyperbole in this treatise on health. FDA oversees what is scientifically proven in medicine and health improvement milieus right?
    ALL pharmaceutical drugs are rigorously tested in double blind, randomized studies to detect very subtle differences in “effectiveness”. Essentially comparison studies. This is true in most medical research initiatives. If Diamond want s to finance a possibly $3 to 5 million study to “verify” this health benefit of walnuts, or almonds or whatever, then they are free to do that aren’t they? If they “PROVE” that walnuts are as effective or better than say Lipitor or clofibrate or any other lipid lowering drug, then they are entitled to ALL of the health benefit claims of which they would profit from ,isn’t that about right? Botanicals and “natural cures” are NOT held to these standard because manufacturers do NOT want to fork out the cash to do these VERY expensive, but conclusive studies.
    So dance with the Sugar Plum Fairies in the world of dreams and mysticism, but if you want scientific proof of this stuff then you have to pay the Piper, get it yet folks?

  7. Guytano Parks says:

    …government/FDA = organized crime!…

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